A Student’s Abridgment of the
Volume V - “Esoteric Astrology”
This series provides large-format abridgments of the seven core books written by Alice A. Bailey, that together comprise a large portion of that vast body of knowledge known as the Ageless Wisdom.
EXTRACT OF A STATEMENT BY THE TIBETAN I am a brother of yours, who has traveled a little longer upon the Path than has the average student, and has therefore incurred greater responsibilities. I am one who has wrestled and fought his way into a greater measure of light than has the aspirant who will read this, and I must therefore act as a transmitter of the light. My work is to teach and spread the knowledge of the Ageless Wisdom wherever I can find a response, and I also seek to help the Masters M. and the Master K.H. whenever opportunity offers. If a teaching can bring forth a response from the illumined mind, a flashing forth of the intuition, then let that teaching be accepted, but not otherwise.
INTRODUCTION BY THE EDITOR This abridgment is dedicated to the Tibetan and Alice A. Bailey, and to all engaged with the work of uplifting the consciousness of humanity. The work accomplished by Alice A. Bailey and the Tibetan, since revealed as the Master of Wisdom known by the name of Djwhal Khul, can hardly be given too much praise for in the Blue Books they succeeded in delivering a great deal of the Ageless Wisdom to the world. Their seven core books, each masterfully presented with the clarity and order of a textbook, represent the essential current of Truth that runs through the sciences, religions and philosophies of Man, and unites them all under cosmic law. Within their body of work are found the laws and processes that underlie the love of the Christ and the wisdom of the Buddha. Herein are found answers to the true nature of God, the Cosmos, Spiritual and Solar Fire, the not-self and the true Self. I demonstrate my gratitude for their service by attempting to apply the essential teachings in my life, and this abridgment is just such an attempt. I am confident that the work was overseen not only by my Higher Self, but by both DK and AAB, for I felt their presences throughout the process. The sutratma that they created between themselves and their body of work is strong and alive with vibrancy, and it was their discrimination that I relied upon when selecting text for inclusion. Yet, the karma for errors and omissions between the Treatise and this humble abridgment, must necessarily rest upon my shoulders. I freely offer this abridgment to the world in the spirit of love and intelligent service, and I believe it will, as a thought-form rightfully conceived and constructed, succeed in its purpose. The purpose of this abridgment is threefold: 1. To coalesce a condensed form of the Ageless Wisdom, and this for three reasons: In Unity, Love and Light, Patrick Westfall CHAPTER I
What I have to say first on this subject is entirely of a preliminary nature. I seek to lay the ground for a somewhat new approach—a far more esoteric approach—to the science of astrology. Certain things I may say will probably be regarded by the academic and uninspired astrologer as revolutionary, or as erroneous, as improbable or unprovable. As yet, however, astrology has not really proved itself to the world of thought and science, in spite of many definitely demonstrable successes. I would ask all of you, therefore, who read and study this section of A Treatise on the Seven Rays to bear in mind the above comments and to preserve a willingness to consider hypotheses and to make an effort to weigh a theory or suggestion and to test out conclusions over the course of a few years. If you can do this, there may come to you an awakening of the intuition which will translate modern astrology into something of real moment and significance to the world. It is intuitional astrology which must eventually supersede what is today called astrology, thus bringing about a return to the knowledge of that ancient science which related the constellations and our solar system, drew attention to the nature of the zodiac and informed humanity as to the basic interrelations which govern and control the phenomenal and subjective worlds. The statement is frequently made that astrology is an exact science but that is far from correct in spite of the many mathematical computations. Astrology is based, curiously enough, upon illusion for, as well you know, the zodiac is naught but the imaginary path of the sun through the heavens, and this as it appears from the standpoint of our totally insignificant planet. The sun is not, as stated, in any sign of the zodiac. It simply appears to be so as it passes between our little sphere, the Earth, and the constellations at any particular time or season. In ancient days it was believed that the earth was the centre of the solar system and that around it revolved the sun and all the other planets. This was the exoteric knowledge and position, though not the esoteric understanding. Later, when further discoveries brought more light to the human mind, our planet was decentralised and the truth was more clearly seen, though much remains as yet to be discovered and may even be of as revolutionary a nature. From certain astrological angles, a similar process of decentralisation must take place and the solar system must no longer be regarded as a point around which the zodiac revolves or through which the sun passes in its great cycle of approximately 25,000 years. Astrologers with insight may deny that this is the commonly accepted attitude. Yet—for purposes of clarity and in connection with the general public—the inference is permitted and accepted by the ignorant. Upon this theory anent the zodiac rests very largely what we call the Great Illusion, and I would have you bear this in mind as you study with me the newer approaches of this greatest and oldest of all the sciences. Astrology is a science which must be restored to its original beauty and truth before the world can gain a truer perspective and a more just and accurate appreciation of the divine Plan, as it is expressed at this time through the Wisdom of the Ages. The second statement which I would make is that astrology is essentially the purest presentation of occult truth in the world at this time, because it is the science which deals with those conditioning and governing energies and forces which play through and upon the whole field of space and all that is found within that field. When this fact is grasped and the sources of those energies are better comprehended and the nature of the field of space is correctly understood, we shall then see a far wider and at the same time a more closely related horizon; the relationships between individual, planetary, systemic and cosmic entities will be grasped, and we shall then begin to live scientifically. It is this scientific living which it is the immediate purpose of astrology to bring about. At present, the position of the average believer in astrology is that he is an individual of importance (at least to himself), that he is living on that important planet, the Earth (important to humanity), and that, through astrology, he can discover his destiny and know what he ought to do. In making this comment, I do not refer to those few astrologers who possess real esoteric knowledge. They are few in number indeed, and only a handful of them are to be found practising at this time. The modern investigator likes to believe that on him impinge and through him flow all those energies which come from the sign in which the sun "finds" itself at the time of his birth. He regards himself also as responsive to the forces of the various planets as they govern the houses in his horoscope and he believes that his life trends and circumstances are thus determined. This makes him feel himself to be a factor of isolated importance. Modern interpretations fail to emphasise the importance of the rising sign (the ascendant) and this has been due to the fact that few have been as yet ready to function as souls; small allowance has been made for the energies which play upon our planet all the time from other constellations or from the many "hidden" planets. Of these, the Ageless Wisdom claims that there are around seventy in our solar system. I desire to give you a truer and more accurate picture. This has now become possible because group awareness, group relations and group integrity are coming to the fore in the human consciousness. As this takes place, the personality which is individual, separative and self-centred will recede increasingly into the background, and the soul, non-separative, group conscious and inclusive, will come more and more to the fore. Interest, therefore, in the individual horoscope will gradually die out, and increasingly the planetary, the systemic and the universal picture will stand out in the awareness of the individual; he will then regard himself only as an integral part of a far more important whole and his world group will interest him far more than himself, as an individual. I shall not, therefore, deal with the subject of esoteric astrology from the standpoint of the horoscope at all. Universal relationships, the interplay of energies, the nature of what lies behind the Great Illusion, the deluding "Appearances of things as they are," and the destiny of our planet, of the kingdoms in nature and of humanity as a whole—these will constitute the major part of our theme. It is immaterial to me whether modern astrologers accept or reject these presented ideas. I will endeavour to give you certain facts as the Hierarchy recognises them; I will indicate, if I can, the subjective realities of which the outer illusion is but the phenomenal appearance, conditioned by men's thoughts throughout the ages; I will emphasise the fact of the livingness of the Sources from which all the energies and forces which play upon our planet flow and emanate; I will endeavour, above all else, to demonstrate to you that all-pervading unity and that underlying synthesis which is the basis of all religions and of all the many transmitted forces; I will seek to remove you, as individuals, from out of the centre of your own stage and consciousness and—without depriving you of individuality and of self-identity—yet show you how you are part of a greater whole of which you can become consciously aware when you can function as souls, but of which you are today unconscious, or at least only registering and sensing the inner reality in which you live and move and have your being. This brings me to the third statement, which is so basic and fundamental that I would ask you to pause and contemplate it, even though you grasp not its full implications as yet. The Ancient Wisdom teaches that "space is an entity." It is with the life of this entity and with the forces and energies, the impulses and the rhythms, the cycles and the times and seasons that esoteric astrology deals. H.P.B. stated this in The Secret Doctrine. I would remind you that there is an astrological key to The Secret Doctrine which cannot yet be given in completeness. I can, however, give you some hints and suggest some lines of approach, and these, if carried in the consciousness of the illumined astrologers, may enable one of them at a later date to discover that key and then—turning it on behalf of humanity—reveal the fourth great fundamental of the Ageless Wisdom of which three are already given in the proem of The Secret Doctrine. Space is an entity and the entire "vault of heaven" (as it has been poetically called) is the phenomenal appearance of that entity. You will note that I did not say the material appearance, but the phenomenal appearance. Speculation about the nature, the history and identity of that entity is useless and of no value. Some dim idea, providing analogy even when eluding specifications, might be gained if you will endeavour to think of the human family, the fourth kingdom in nature, as an entity, as constituting a single unit, expressing itself through the many diversified forms of man. You, as an individual, are an integral part of humanity, yet you lead your own life, you react to your own impressions, you respond to exterior influences and impacts, and in your turn you emanate influences, send forth some form of character radiation and express some quality or qualities. You thereby, and in some measure, affect your environment and those whom you contact. Yet all the while you remain part of a phenomenal entity to which we give the name of humanity. Now extend this idea to a greater phenomenal entity, the solar system. This entity is itself an integral part of a still greater life which is expressing Itself through seven solar systems, of which ours is one. If you can grasp this idea, a vague picture of a great underlying esoteric truth will emerge into your consciousness. It is the life and the influence, the radiations and emanations of this entity, and their united effect on our planetary life, the kingdoms in nature and the unfolding human civilizations, which we shall have briefly to consider. The subject is so vast that I have been faced with the problem of the best method whereby to handle it. I decided on brevity, the concise statement of facts (facts to those of us who are working on the inner side of life, but which must rightly be only hypotheses to you) and the avoidance of detail and of detailed discussion. We will endeavour to work from the universal to the particular and from the general to the specific, but our emphasis will always be on the universal and the general, and not upon the particular and specific. It will rest with those of you who are students of astrology to make due application of the truth to the specific. It is definitely in this connection that modern astrology has gone astray. It has reversed the true and right procedure and has laid the emphasis upon the specific and particular, upon the personal horoscope and the individual destiny, and has not laid the emphasis upon the great energies and their Source. These sources are ultimately responsible for the manifestation of the specific. This position and presentation of truth must be altered. In esoteric astrology we are, therefore, dealing with the Life and Lives which inform the "points of light" within the universal Life. Constellations, solar systems, planets, kingdoms in nature and microscopic man are all of them the result of the activity and the manifestation of energy of certain Lives whose cycle of expression and whose infinite purposes lie outside the comprehension of the most advanced and illumined minds on our planet. The next point for each of you to grasp is the fact that the ether of space is the field in and through which the energies from the many originating Sources play. We are, therefore, concerned with the etheric body of the planet, of the solar system, and of the seven solar systems of which our system is one, as well as with the general and vaster etheric body of the universe in which we are located. I employ the word "located" here with deliberation and because of the inferences to which it leads. This vaster field, as well as the smaller and more localised fields, provides the medium of transmission for all the energies which play upon and through our solar system, our planetary spheres and all forms of life upon those spheres. It forms one unbroken field of activity in constant ceaseless motion—an eternal medium for the exchange and transmission of energies. In connection with this, and in order more correctly to understand, it will be useful to study individual man; in this way we can arrive at a faint comprehension of the basic and underlying truth. Students should never forget the Law of Analogy as an interpretive agency. Esotericism teaches (and modern science is rapidly arriving at the same conclusion) that underlying the physical body and its comprehensive and intricate system of nerves is a vital or etheric body which is the counterpart and the true form of the outer and tangible phenomenal aspect. It is likewise the medium for the transmission of force to all parts of the human frame and the agent of the indwelling life and consciousness. It determines and conditions the physical body, for it is itself the repository and the transmitter of energy from the various subjective aspects of man and also from the environment in which man (both inner and outer man) finds himself. Two other points should here be added: First: the individual etheric body is not an isolated and separated human vehicle but is, in a peculiar sense, an integral part of the etheric body of that entity which we have called the human family; this kingdom in nature, through its etheric body, is an integral part of the planetary etheric body; the planetary etheric body is not separated off from the etheric bodies of other planets but all of them in their totality, along with the etheric body of the sun constitute the etheric body of the solar system. This is related to the etheric bodies of the six solar systems which, with ours, form a cosmic unity and into these pour energies and forces from certain great constellations. The field of space is etheric in nature and its vital body is composed of the totality of etheric bodies of all constellations, solar systems and planets which are found therein. Throughout this cosmic golden web there is a constant circulation of energies and forces and this constitutes the scientific basis of the astrological theories. Just as the forces of the planet and of the inner spiritual man (to mention only one factor among many) pour through the etheric body of the individual man upon the physical plane, and condition his outer expression, activities, and qualities, so do the varying forces of the universe pour through every part of the etheric body of that entity we call space and condition and determine the outer expression, the activities and qualities of every form found within the cosmic periphery. The second point I would make is that within the human etheric body there are to be found seven major force centres which are in the nature of distributing agencies and electrical batteries, providing dynamic force and qualitative energy to the man; they produce definite effects upon his outer physical manifestation. Through their constant activity his quality appears, his ray tendencies begin to emerge and his point in evolution is clearly indicated. This "control of form through a septenate of energies" is an unalterable rule in the inner government of our universe and of our particular solar system, as well as in the case of individual man. There are, for instance, in our solar system, seven sacred planets which correspond to the seven individual force centres in man, the seven solar systems, of which our solar system is one, and in their turn the seven energy centres of the One to Whom I have referred in my other books as the One About Whom Naught Can Be Said. Much has been given in the occult books of which the average astrologer remains profoundly unaware. It is essential that he learns to think in larger Wholes and to be more deeply concerned with the emanating Sources and with the eternal persistent Causes than with the effects of these Sources upon that ephemeral creation, a human being and his temporary existence upon a most unimportant planet. As he seeks to do this, he will discover for himself the signs of the essential divinity of man—a divinity which is to be found in the infinite grasp of man's consciousness when illumined by the light of the soul and in his power to project his thought into the consciousness of those manifold Lives Whose "energetic movements" he must perforce share because his small modicum of energy is an integral part of Theirs. There is one aspect of energy for which the modern astrologer makes very little allowance, and yet it is of paramount importance. This is the energy which emanates from or radiates from the Earth itself. Living as all human beings do upon the surface of the Earth and being, therefore, projected into the etheric body of the planet (for the reason that "man stands erect") man's body is at all times bathed in the emanations and the radiations of our Earth and in the integral quality of our planetary Logos as He sends forth and transmits energy within His planetary environment. Astrologers have always emphasised the incoming influences and energies as they beat upon and play through our little planet, but they have omitted to take into adequate consideration the emanating qualities and forces which are the contribution of our Earth's etheric body to the larger whole. Another point which should here be noted is that the influence of the moon is purely symbolic in nature and in effect and is simply the result of ancient thought and teaching (descended to us from Lemurian times) and is not based upon any true radiation or influence. In those far off times, antedating even Lemuria and constituting in Lemurian days simply an ancient tradition, the moon appeared to be a living vital entity. But I would have you bear definitely in mind that today the moon is nothing more than a dead form. It has no emanation and no radiation of any kind and, therefore, has no effect of any kind. The moon, from the angle of the esoteric knower, is simply an obstruction in space—an undesirable form which must some day disappear. In esoteric astrology, the effect of the moon is noted as a thought effect and as the result of a powerful and most ancient thoughtform; nevertheless, the moon has no quality of her own and can transmit nothing to the Earth. Let me reiterate: The moon is a dead form; it has no emanation at all. That is why the moon is spoken of in the ancient teaching as "veiling either Vulcan or Uranus." This hint or inference has always been here and astrologers would do well to experiment with this suggestion I have made anent the moon and (instead of working with the moon) let them work with Vulcan when dealing with the undeveloped or average man and with Uranus when considering the highly developed man. They would find some interesting and convincing results eventuate. Students would also do well to remember that the twelve constellations which constitute our particular zodiac are themselves the recipients of many streams of energy coming to them from many sources. These blend and fuse with the energy of any particular constellation and—transmuted and "occultly refined"—eventually find their way into our solar system. I would like to call attention, at this point, to some comments I made in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire which are apposite and helpful. I am somewhat paraphrasing: "Astrology is concerned with the effect produced in the substance of the sheaths by the influences, vibrations, etc., of the various planets. These are, esoterically, the influences of the solar centres. The forces, emanating from the solar centres, play upon the planetary centres.... This is hidden in the karma of the Heavenly Man. When true esoteric astrology comes into being, more anent this will be given. Astrological students are today only learning the ABC of this stupendous subject and are occupied with the exoteric fringes of that great veil which has been thrown wisely over planetary lore." (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1051) The following is a list—incomplete but adequate for our purposes—of the major influences which find their way from far distant Sources into our planetary life and produce definite effects upon individual man and humanity as a whole. We thus have a ninefold energy impact. This is a major chart but it should be remembered that there are other impacts of relative insignificance. To these would be added other streams of energy which definitely play upon and affect our planetary life, such as those coming from that great star, Betelgeuse, or from Antares and other stupendous suns and solar systems which are related to the constellations of the zodiac and whose force reaches us through these constellations and not directly. Besides these, it should be remembered that technically we should also add the radiatory influence which comes direct to us from the planet, the Earth, upon which we live. Then, and only then, can you have a fairly complete analysis and picture of the energies to which the etheric body of man (conditioning the physical body which is pre-eminently automatic and negative in its reactions) must and does ever respond. An understanding of that response and the conscious intelligent control of individual reactions are supremely necessary to man but only become possible at a fairly advanced stage of development and as he nears the Path (technically understood). Man learns first of all to control his reactions to the planets as they rule and direct his personality affairs from their different "stations" in the twelve houses of his horoscope. There are two ways in which this is done: First: By having the horoscope duly cast and then taking steps to determine what should be done to negate the planetary influences where it is deemed desirable to control the personality reactions. This has to be done by the applied power of thought. This necessitates complete confidence in the understanding and interpretation of the astrologer and the recognition of the exact moment of birth. One wonders if these conditions of the exact moment and the completely wise astrologer are ever to be found as yet. Second: By consciously assuming the position of the spiritual Observer, and by cultivating the power to respond to the Soul. Then, from the angle of that Soul, the man must learn to control circumstance and the attendant reactions of the personality. The following attitudes and positions taken by the esoteric astrologer should also be noted: I realise that these concepts are not in line with the usual astrological postulates. However, astrology would not be wasting time if it experimented with these ideas for a while. Astrologers might discover some most interesting and arresting problems and perhaps arrive at an accuracy which is at present unknown. It might be of some service if I enlarged somewhat upon this point. In connection with the sun sign, the rising sign and the effect of the thoughtform relating to the moon, the position of esoteric astrology is as follows: The next statement which I would like to make, and which grows normally out of the above, is that the zodiacal, the systemic and the planetary energies act either as hindering or as stimulating forces, according to the type of vehicle or body upon which they play; the nature of these vehicles and their capacity to attract, to respond, to reject, to absorb and to transmute is entirely dependent upon the point in evolution attained and also upon the general planetary condition and psychology to be found in the human family at any given time. An instance of the latter can be seen today in the world where the forces, beating in an almost violent and somewhat new measure and tempo upon our planetary life, are evoking a greatly intensified response from the world thinkers, thus stimulating them to earnest effort along ideological lines and, at the same time, are drawing forth from the masses and the little evolved people nothing but terror, a miserable fatalism, widespread physical depletion and many other undesirable reactions from the form nature. An understanding of these hindering or stimulating effects can be easily grasped by those who can comprehend the nature of the activities of the planet, Saturn. This is the planet which conditions primarily the point in evolution where choice definitely becomes possible, where rejection of opportunity or its acceptance can consciously be undertaken, and the shouldering of personal responsibility becomes a recognised fact in a planned and ordered life. This point in the human evolutionary process is spoken of in the Old Commentary in the following symbolic phrases: "Amid the whirling forces, I stand confused. I know them not, for, during all my past, they swept me up and down the land wherein I moved, blinded and unaware. From place to place and point to point, they drove me up and down the land and nowhere was there rest. I know them now and here I stand and will not move until I know the Law which governs all this movement up and down the land. I may revolve and turning face the many different ways; I face some wide horizons and yet today I stand. I will determine for myself the way to go. Then onward I will move. I will not travel up and down the land nor turn in space. But onward I will move." There is another revolutionary idea which the esoteric science of astrology brings to its modern and exoteric aspect: In the greater cycle of man's many incarnations, he—as is well recognised—passes through the zodiacal circle from Pisces to Aries, thus retrograding through the signs as he follows the sweep or path of the Sun's retrogression. This phrase has always disturbed me, but the apparent retrogression, based upon the precession of the equinoxes, is all an integral part of the Great Illusion. The moment a man begins to emerge out of that illusion and is no longer subject to the glamour and to the effect of the world maya, that moment the motion of the great Wheel of Life is reversed and he then begins (slowly and laboriously) to work in the opposite direction. He then passes through the signs from Aries to Pisces. He begins patiently and consciously to function as a soul struggling towards the light until finally he emerges at the end of the Path in Pisces as a world Victor and a world Saviour. He then knows the significance of the triumph over death because he has surmounted and overcome desire. This reversal of the way a man travels through the signs of the zodiac will necessitate a readjustment of the method employed by astrologers when they are casting a horoscope of senior aspirants, of disciples and of initiates. According, therefore, to an individual's point of evolution upon the Path or (in other words) the individual's place upon the wheel of life, the practising astrologer will arrange the interpretation of the horoscope. It will require the work and the thought of the intuitive astrologer, dependent upon soul contact and much meditation, to determine the processes of astrological interpretation for those who are active and living souls at some one or other of the final stages upon the Path. The casting of the horoscope of the average man or the undeveloped man presents no such difficulties. It might be added in addition that the signs of the zodiac are concerned primarily with the life expression of the Heavenly Man (as far as our planet is concerned) and therefore with the destiny and life of the planetary Logos. They are also concerned with the great man of the heavens, the solar Logos. I refer in this last instance to their effect as it makes itself felt in the solar system as a whole and with this effect there are few astrologers at this time fit to deal. I would remind you that to the lives who inform these great constellations and whose radiation —dynamic and magnetic—reaches our Earth, this effect is incidental and unnoticed. The primary effect that they have is upon our planetary Logos and this effect reaches us through Him, pouring through that great planetary centre to which we have given the name of Shamballa. It is, therefore, capable of evoking the major response from the monads, and these monads express themselves through the kingdom of souls and through the human kingdom; it consequently expresses itself through the Hierarchy and through humanity as a whole. This is a point of real importance and should be noted and connected with all the teaching you have had upon this most interesting theme of the three major planetary centres. It is the work of the zodiacal influences to evoke the emergence of the will aspect of the Heavenly Man and of all monads, souls and personalities who constitute the planetary body of expression. This statement means but little to you today but it will mean much to those students who, in a few decades, will study what I am here saying. Properly understood, it accounts for much that is happening in the world at this time. As these influences pour through our planet and thence to the centres of force upon the planet, they produce a dual effect: It should be noted here, however, that all the energies—zodiacal, systemic, and planetary—have a definite effect upon all the lives in all forms in all kingdoms of nature. Nothing can escape these radiatory and magnetic influences. The goal of evolution for humanity is to become consciously and livingly aware of the nature of these energies and begin to know them and to use them. This is the field of occultism as the Hierarchy has always told men. It might be stated that the disciple has to become consciously aware of the planetary influences and begin to use them for the carrying out of soul purpose. The initiate has to be aware of the zodiacal influences which emanate from outside of the solar system altogether. These can be recognised as: The whole story of the zodiac can be picturesquely yet accurately summed up in the following statement: There are three books which the three types of human beings study and from which they learn: In summation, it might be said that: There are one or two other points which might be noted here also. I note them for your enlightenment. Out of all the many energies which impinge upon, pass through and produce effects upon our planet, esoteric astrology emphasises the following four types of force because they affect what might be called the personality of our Earth: I have several times used the phrase "pass through" the centres and forms. This concept necessitates the idea of distributing centres to which the incoming energies may go and from which they may pass out again as radiation. Some idea of this might be grasped if I gave you the new proposition (new to you though old to esotericists) of the centres in the human etheric body. The four centres above the diaphragm—the heart, throat, ajna and head centres—are basically and primarily receiving centres. The centres below the diaphragm—the base of the spine, the sacral, solar plexus and spleen centres—are galvanised into activity by the four higher receiving centres. This, when accomplished, demonstrates as personality and physical magnetism and influence until the time comes when there is a reversal in the way of passing—as a soul—around the zodiac. This is symbolised as the revolution of the sun around the zodiac from Aries to Pisces instead of the reverse movement, from Aries to Taurus. This is repeated in the human frame and the four lower centres eventually return that which has come to them. They thus reverse the process normally followed and the centres above the diaphragm become radio-active, dynamic and magnetic. This is an intricate occult study and is concerned with the response of the etheric body to the incoming energies. It relates finally the lowest centre at the base of the spine to the highest centre, the head centre. This is a correspondence to the relation of the Earth to the Sun. Think this out. As we work and study over these matters, let us bear in mind always the fact that we are considering the seven rays and their inter-relations in the cosmic process. We are concerned esoterically with: As we ponder and think and as we correlate the various aspects of the teaching, we shall find three propositions emerging which govern the inflow of life to the planet and to the individual man. These have been laid down earlier in A Treatise on the Seven Rays but it might profit us to state them here: Proposition One: Every ray life is an expression of a solar life and every planet is therefore: Proposition Two: Each one of the ray lives is the recipient and the custodian of energies coming from: Proposition Three: It is the quality of a ray life—manifesting in time and space—which determines the phenomenal appearance. Before we penetrate further into the consideration of our theme, I would like to emphasise two points: First of all, that we are considering esoteric influences and not astrology, per se. Our subject is the seven rays and their relationship to the zodiacal constellations or—in other words—the interaction of the seven great Lives which inform our solar system with the twelve constellations which compose our zodiac. Secondly, that we have necessarily to study these energies and their interplay from the angle of their effect upon the planet, and incidentally, their effect upon the forms in the various kingdoms of nature and particularly in connection with the fourth kingdom, the human, and with individual man—average man, the disciple and the initiate. We shall enter into no definitions in connection with technical astrology, nor shall I use the many technical terms. If, in the presentation of this vast subject, and in the process of indicating the attitude of the Ageless Wisdom to this new and coming (yet very ancient) "science of effective energies," as it has been called, I may present a new approach, or point out an unsuspected relation and from the standpoint of the Ageless Wisdom correct what are deemed errors by the Teachers on the inner side of life, I am hoping that some astrologers may be found who will be sensitive to that which is new. I am believing that there are investigators along astrological lines who will be open-minded enough to recognise possible hypotheses and then to make fair experiment with them. May I repeat: I am not writing a treatise upon astrology, but one upon the seven rays and their equivalent and corresponding energies, upon the effects of ray energy and the interplay of these energies with, and their effect upon, the various planetary forces, particularly those of the Earth. I am looking for these fair-minded astrologers to make due experiment with the factors and suggestions which I may indicate. With this in mind, let us proceed. I have pointed out that these energies fall into three groups: From a certain point of view, one can generalise largely and say that these are the correspondences in the solar system to the three great centres of force which produce and control manifestation and evolutionary progress in the human being: I would have you remember that I am talking entirely in terms of consciousness and of the responses and reactions of the individual to the forces which impinge upon him. The effect of the emanation of our planet, the Earth, is a correspondence to the effect of that aggregate of atoms and molecules which we call the dense physical body and of its response to the pull and the attraction of any or all of the subtler bodies. As regards the influence of the seven solar systems, I should suggest that they are linked up astrologically with the constellations, the Great Bear, the Pleiades, and Sirius. They are intimately related to them, but their exact effect is a transmitted one and cannot be noted as producing noticeable results, as yet, upon humanity and the other kingdoms in nature. The effect of the three great constellations also cannot be noted by individual man until such time as he becomes conscious of the monadic vibration, after the third initiation. There are many potent influences playing upon our solar system and the planet all the time but—as far as man is concerned—his response apparatus and his mechanism of reaction remain what is called "occultly unresponsive," for they are not yet of a quality which will permit any noticeable recognition, either in the dense or subtler vehicles or even by the soul. Later in the evolutionary process, recognition and response will come, but for all astrological purposes and recognisable produced effects, they may be regarded today as non-existent except as they react upon the fourth kingdom of nature as it constitutes a living unit in the body of the planetary Logos. As little conscious effect is produced by these forces as the effect of a high moment of contact in your morning meditation produces an effect upon the atom or cell in the little finger upon one of your hands. There may be a general response and stimulation throughout the entire body, but the intelligent atom makes no conscious response. The vibration is of too high a character. Speculation along these lines is profitless. A vast system of interlocking energies is in active and rapid circulation throughout the whole cosmic etheric body—of which our systemic etheric body is an integral part—but speculative research along the indicated lines and the following of obscure trails are utterly futile until the main highway of approach has been constructed and followed. The general outline of the astrological way is all that is possible today, until the time when man can think in larger wholes and has a more synthetic capacity. We shall confine ourselves to the vast field of energies which I have outlined for your consideration and shall consider only the major forces which are in circulation. This will suffice for our day and generation. We are concerned with energies which can and do evoke response and of which man can be aware and, in many cases, is today aware. It might be useful here to comment in a wide and general way, and with many necessary reservations, upon the broad sweep of some of these responses: else over period of seven lives. The last two constitute the Greater Zodiac. Bringing the theme back to the subject of this treatise, which is that of the seven rays, I would point out that these rays have a close connection with the seven stars of the Great Bear (again always the four and the three as a secondary differentiation) and to the seven Sisters, the Pleiades. The first constellation is the agent of positive force to the planetary Logos and the other the relayer of the negative aspect. There is, therefore, a direct interchange of energies between the lives of the seven planetary Logoi and the stupendous and unfathomable Lives Who inform these major constellations. Great interlocking triangles of force can be found existing between the seven planets and these two groups of seven stars each. It will eventually be discovered that the innermost secret of astrological deduction in the planetary sense is connected with these "sacred triangles," and they are—in their turn—represented by the triangles (shifting and changing) which can be constructed in connection with the seven centres. In casting the horoscope of the planet (which will some day be possible) it will be found that the line of these forces and of our planetary response to them is of a more potent effect than is the influence of the zodiacal constellations upon the human unit. This is due to the immeasurably advanced point in evolution of the planetary Spirits Who have (in Their individual lives) largely transcended the influence of the twelve constellations and are becoming rapidly responsive to the higher vibrations of their great Prototypes, the "three intimate constellations," as they have esoterically been called. This is a correspondence in the lives of these great Entities to the manner in which an advanced individual can offset the influence of the planets and thus so dominate his personality life that prediction and certainty, as to activity and circumstance, are no longer possible. The soul is dominating, and the planets cease to condition the life. So it is with the constellations and the planetary Logoi. They can offset the lower influences as They awaken to and respond to the infinitely higher vibrations of the three major constellations. It might here be appropriate if I interpolated a chart or a tabulation which may be found suggestive of some of these interlocking energies which play through, traverse, return, stimulate and energise every part of our solar system. They only evoke conscious response where the vehicle of expression and of response is adequate to the impact, and this statement is true of the solar Logos, the planetary Logoi, and of all forms in all the kingdoms upon our planet. Unconscious reaction will of course exist, but it will be on a general or mass scale, and much of it pours through to us from these distant constellations, via the fifth Creative Hierarchy. This Hierarchy, being on the verge of liberation, is to be found on the intellectual level of consciousness and can, therefore, be used as a focal point and a transmitter of the higher energies to our solar system and to the planet. If you make a careful study of the chart of the twelve Creative Hierarchies, you will note that this Hierarchy is influencing, and is influenced by, the seventh Ray of Magical Order and of Ceremonial Organisation. The basic function of this ray is to relate spirit and matter and produce the manifested form. The sign of the zodiac with which it is closely connected is that of Cancer, the Crab, which is a mass sign and one of the "gates" into manifested life. I might here remind you that the seven planes of our solar system are the seven subplanes of the cosmic physical plane. The four Creative Hierarchies which have achieved liberation are now to be found focussed upon the cosmic astral plane; hence their potency even when out of manifestation. The fifth Creative Hierarchy exists on the highest etheric level and will join the other four Hierarchies when the sixth Creative Hierarchy has measured up to cosmic opportunity and is itself nearing liberation. The following is a tabulation showing some of the astrological relationships in connection with: Tabulation I The Twelve Creative Hierarchies Nos. Down Name Ray Sign Energy Comments Nos. Up 1 * Unknown III Pisces Intelligent substance None 12 2 * Unknown IV Aries Unity through effort None 11 3 * Unknown V Taurus Light through knowledge None 10 4 * Unknown VI Gemini Desire for duality None 9 5 ** Unknown VII Cancer Mass life Veiling the Christ 8 * Hierarchies 1 to 4 inclusive (12 to 9 inclusive) have reached liberation. Regarded as abstractions. ** The 5th Creative Hierarchy is on the verge of liberation. It is active on the intellectual plane. Tabulation II The Seven Creative Hierarchies in active planetary expression Nos. Down Ray Name Sign Energy Comments Nos. Up 6 I Divine Flames 1. Leo Parashakti Fire - Air 7 7 II Divine Builders 2. Virgo Kriyashakti Ether 6 8 III Lesser Builders 3. Libra Jnanashakti Water 5 9 IV Human Hierarchy 4. Scorpio Mantrikashakti Solar Angels 4 10 V Human Personality 5. Capricorn Ichchhashakti Fire 3 11 VI Lunar Lords 6. Sagittarius Kundalinishakti Water 2 12 VII Elemental lives 7. Aquarius None Earth 1 THE SEVEN CREATIVE HIERARCHIES IN ACTIVE PLANETARY EXPRESSION Each of the seven Hierarchies of Beings, found within the Twelve, Who are the Builders or the Attractive Agents are (in their degree) intermediaries; all embody one of the types of force emanating from the seven constellations. Their intermediary work, therefore, is dual: Each of these groups of beings is likewise septenary in nature, and the forty-nine fires of Brahma are the lowest manifestation of their fiery nature. Each group also may be regarded as "fallen" in the cosmic sense, because involved in the building process, or the occupiers of forms of some degree of density or another. Hierarchy I: The first great Hierarchy is emanated from the Heart of the central Spiritual Sun. It is the Son of God Himself, the First Born in a cosmic sense, even as the Christ was the "Eldest in a vast family of brothers," and the "first flower on the human plant." The symbol of this Hierarchy is the Golden Lotus with its twelve petals folded. It should be remembered that this Hierarchy is literally the sixth, for five hierarchies have passed on, being the product of the earlier system, that wherein Intelligence or Manas was the goal. The five liberated Hierarchies are in their totality the sum total of manas. It is the Hierarchy which is the fifth in order, and which we are told is in process of achieving final liberation, or taking its fourth Initiation, which is the cause of certain phenomena upon our planet which has merited our planet being called the "Star of Suffering." There is a karmic link between the animal kingdom and the fifth Creative Hierarchy of the earlier system which makes itself felt in man in the necessary crucifixion of the animal physical nature, particularly along sex lines. We must remember that the Hierarchies work under the Law of Attraction; it is the law of the Builders. This first (sixth) Hierarchy has for its type of energy the first aspect of the sixth type of cosmic electricity, and wields special power, therefore, in conjunction with the lowest fire, or "fire by friction," as it makes itself felt on the sixth plane. These lives are called "the burning Sons of Desire" and were the Sons of Necessity. It is said of them in the Old Commentary: "They burned to know. They rushed into the spheres. They are the longing of the Father for the Mother. Hence do they suffer, burn, and long through the sixth sphere of sense." Hierarchy II: The second Hierarchy is closely allied with the Great Bear. We are told that They entered through the second ventricle within the Sacred Heart, and are (as we are told in The Secret Doctrine) the prototypes of the Monads. They are the source of monadic life, but They are not the Monads; They are far higher. This Hierarchy, which is literally the seventh, is the influx into our system of those Lives who in the first solar system remained on their own plane, being too sinless and holy to find opportunity in that very material and intellectual evolution. Even in this, they will find it impossible to do more than influence the incarnating Jivas, imparting to them ability to realise the nature of group consciousness, the quality of the seven Heavenly Men, but not being able to express themselves fully. Some clues to this mystery will come if the student carefully bears in mind that in our solar system and our seven planes, we have only the physical body of the Logos, and that that physical body is a limitation of the expression of His threefold nature. The first (sixth) Hierarchy might be viewed as endeavouring to express the mental vibration of the solar Logos and the second, His emotional, or cosmic astral, nature. This second (seventh) Hierarchy has for its type of force the second aspect of the seventh type of force from out of the many. Some idea of the relative point in evolution of the solar Logos may be gained by study of the varying aspects of force which He is demonstrating in this particular incarnation. It is this energy which drives the Monads through into physical incarnation, for it makes itself felt on the seventh plane. The energies which are functioning are those which the Logos has unfolded, and are the gain of previous incarnations. Gaps necessarily occur, and certain types of force are lacking because He has as yet much cosmically to gain. It is the energy of this Hierarchy which results in the manifestation of the Divine Androgyne, and in the 7 centres of force, the 7 Spiritual Energies. Hierarchy III: The third Creative Hierarchy (or the eighth) is a peculiarly interesting one. They are called "the Triads" for They hold in themselves the potencies of triple evolution, mental, psychical, and spiritual. These Triads of Life are inherently the three Persons of the Trinity and the flower of the earlier system from a certain angle. From another angle, when studied as the "flower of the earlier Eight," They are the eightfold points awaiting opportunity to flame forth. They are the devas who are ready for service, which is to give to another Hierarchy certain qualities which are lacking. This Hierarchy is regarded as the great donors of immortality whilst Themselves "standing aloof from incarnation." Lords of Sacrifice and Love are They, but They cannot pass out of the logoic etheric body into the dense physical vehicle. This third Hierarchy wields the third aspect of electric force of the first type of cosmic energy. They stand for a recurrent cycle of that first type symbolised by the number 8. The formulae for these electrical energies are too complicated to be given here, but the student should bear in mind that these Hierarchies express: Each Hierarchy manifests a triple energy or an aspect of each of the above, and that necessitates a ninefold differentiation, for the two first are triple, as is the third. It is the rejection of the Triadal lives by units in the fourth Hierarchy, that of the human Monads, which precipitates a man eventually into the eighth sphere. He refuses to become a Christ, a Saviour and remains self-centred. We have dealt with the first three Hierarchies which are regarded as ever "seeing the Face of the Ruler of the Deep," or as being so pure and holy that Their forces are in realised contact with Their emanating source. We now take up for brief consideration two Hierarchies which closely concern ourselves, the human self-conscious entities. These two groups are literally three, as the fifth Hierarchy is a dual one, and it is this which has led to some confusion and is the occult significance behind the ill-omened number thirteen. They are the "Seekers of satisfaction" and the cause of the second fall into generation, the fact behind the taking of a lower nature by the Ego. The fourth and the fifth Hierarchies are the ninth and tenth, or the "Initiates" and the "Perfect Ones." All human beings, or "Imperishable Jivas," are those who evolve through a graded series of initiations, either self-induced or brought about on our planet with extraneous aid. They achieve through a "marriage" with the order next to them, the fifth. They are then completed or perfected, and it is owing to this occult fact that the fourth Hierarchy is regarded as masculine and the fifth as feminine. Hierarchy IV: The fourth Creative Hierarchy is the group wherein the highest aspect of man, his "Father in Heaven" finds place. These lives are the points of fire who must become the flame; this they do through the agency of the fifth Hierarchy and the four wicks, or the two dual lower hierarchies. Thus it can be seen that where man is concerned, the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh Hierarchies are, during the cycle of incarnation, his very self. They are the "Lords of Sacrifice" and "Lords of Love," the flower of Atma-Buddhi. In studying these Hierarchies, one of the most valuable lessons to be learned is the place and importance of man in the scheme. The Hierarchy, for instance, which is the essence of the intangible Life of Spirit, the principle of Buddhi, is the esoteric cause of the cosmic marriage of spirit and matter, based on the love and desire of the Logos, but each Hierarchy also expresses itself through one particular manifestation which comes to be regarded by the finite mind of man as the Hierarchy itself. This is not so, and care must be taken to distinguish between these Hierarchies. They are latent germs of force centres and manifest subjectively; they warm and vitalise groups of forms; they flower forth and express themselves through the medium of a form, or another Hierarchy. These Hierarchies are all interrelated and are negative or positive to each other, as the case may be. This Hierarchy is the nursery for the incarnating Jivas; and it carried in it the germs of the Lives which achieved the human stage in another solar system, but were not able to proceed beyond that owing to the coming in of pralaya, which projected them into a state of latency. The condition of the Hierarchy is similar, only on a cosmic scale, to the condition of the seeds of human life held in a state of obscuration during an interchain period. The three other Hierarchies dealt with (first, second and third) were those who have (in previous kalpas of logoic manifestation) passed beyond the human stage altogether. They are, therefore, the arupa or formless groups, as the remaining are the rupa groups or those having forms. The fourth Creative Hierarchy, or the ninth, must ever be regarded in this solar system as occupying what might be considered as the third place: This needs to be carefully considered and has no reference to the form aspect but solely to the nature of the Lives expressing themselves through other lives who are also self-conscious, or fully intelligent. This, certain of the Hierarchies are not. The four lower Hierarchies are all concerned with manifestation in the three worlds, or in the dense physical body of the solar Logos. They are Those who can discard or pass through the etheric body of the solar Logos and take forms composed of either gaseous, liquid, or dense substance. The others cannot. They cannot fall into physical generation. Students must bear in mind that from the standpoint of the Logos, the solar Angels on the mental plane (the fifth subplane of the cosmic physical plane) are in physical incarnation, and what is called the "second fall" applies to this. The first fall has reference to the taking of a form of cosmic etheric matter, such as is the case with the Heavenly Men, the prototypes of the human jivas. In this latter case the bodies used are called "formless" from our standpoint, and are "vital bodies," animated by cosmic prana. In the case of ourselves and the remaining groups, the forms are composed of substance of the three lower planes (that which the Logos does not regard as a principle) and, therefore, matter responding still to the vibration of the earlier system. This means that the four lower Hierarchies are links between the life of the past and of the future. They are the present. They had not finished their contacts with the active intelligent principle of the preceding kalpa, and so must continue such contacts in this. They will work out of it in this system, the four will become the three and they will then be the three higher arupa Hierarchies of the next system. Before continuing our consideration of the particular Hierarchies, it is necessary to point out that in these Hierarchies, certain of them are termed "dominant hierarchies" and others "subsidiary hierarchies." By this is meant that certain of them are expressing themselves in this solar system more fully than the others, and this necessarily entails the consequence that their vibration is more to be felt than that of the subsidiary groups. The dominant groups are the second, fourth and fifth, and this because: Hierarchy V: The fifth Creative Hierarchy is a most mysterious one. This mystery is incident upon the relation of the fifth Hierarchy to the five liberated groups. This relation, in connection with our particular planet, which is not a sacred planet, can be somewhat understood if the history of the Buddha, and His work is contemplated. This is hinted at in the third volume of The Secret Doctrine. The relation of the fifth Hierarchy to a certain constellation has also a bearing upon this mystery. This is hidden in the karma of the solar Logos, and concerns His relationship to another solar Logos, and the interplay of force between Them in a great mahakalpa. This is the true "secret of the Dragon," and it was the dragon-influence or the "serpent energy" which caused the influx of manasic or mind energy into the solar system. Entangled closely with the karma of these two cosmic Entities, was that of the lesser cosmic Entity Who is the Life of our planet, the planetary Logos. It was this triple karma which brought in the "serpent religion" and the "Serpents or Dragons of Wisdom," in Lemurian days. It had to do with solar and planetary Kundalini, or Serpent fire. A hint lies in the fact that the constellation of the Dragon has the same relation to the ONE greater than our Logos as the centre at the base of the spine has to a human being. It concerns stimulation, and vitalisation with a consequent co-ordination of the manifesting fires. A clue to the mystery lies also in the relation of this fifth group to the two contracting poles. They are the five-fold Links, the "Benign Uniters" and "the Producers of the Atonement." Esoterically, they are the "Saviours of the Race" and from Them emanates that principle which—in conjunction with the highest aspect—lifts the lower aspect up to Heaven. When these mysteries are carefully studied, and due application made to the lives of the greatest exponents of the at-one-ing principle, it will become apparent how great and all-important is their place in the scheme. It is for this reason that the units of the fifth Hierarchy are called "The Hearts of Fiery Love"; They save through love, and in Their turn these lives are peculiarly close to the great Heart of Love of the solar Logos. These great redeeming Angels, Who are the Sons of Men on their own true plane, the mental, are ever, therefore, pictured as taking the form of twelve-petalled lotuses—this symbology linking them up with "the Son of Divine Love," the manifested solar system, which is said to be a cosmic twelve-petalled lotus, and with the logoic causal lotus, equally of a twelve-petalled nature. We have, therefore, a direct stream of energy flowing through: Or, to word it otherwise, energy flows direct from: (our buddhic plane). This fifth Hierarchy is equally, under the law, a distributor of energy to the fifth subplane of each plane in the system, only it must be borne in mind that, in the three worlds, it is the fifth subplane counting from above downwards, whilst in the worlds of superhuman evolution, it is the fifth counting from below upwards. This Hierarchy wields, as we know, the dual aspects of manas, one in the three worlds and one which makes itself felt in higher spheres. It is necessary to bear in mind that all these groups are (even when termed "formless") the true forms of all that persists, for all are in the etheric body of the solar Logos or planetary Logos. This is a point requiring careful emphasis; students have for too long regarded the form as being the dense physical body, whereas to the occultist the physical body is not the form, but a gross maya, or illusion, and the true form is the body of vitality. Therefore, these Hierarchies are the sum total of the vital lives and the substratum or the substance of all that is. We might regard the subject as follows: It is useful to remember the place of these Hierarchies in the scheme, and to realise that upon the sum total of these vital bodies is gradually gathered the dense manifestation which we regard as the evolutionary matter. The forms are built (from the form of all atoms to the body of the ego, from the form of a flower to the vast planetary or solar lotus) because the Hierarchies exist as the aggregate of germ lives, giving the impulse, providing the model, and procuring, through their very existence, the entire raison d'être of all that is seen on all planes. Hierarchies VI and VII: These sixth and seventh Hierarchies which provide the substance forms of the three worlds have a vital use and a most interesting place. From the logoic standpoint, they are not regarded as providing principles, but from the standpoint of man they do provide him with His lowest principles. They hold the same relation to the Logos as the dense physical body does to man, and all that concerns the evolution of man must (in this particular place) be studied as going on within the physical, logoic vehicle. They deal with the display of physical energy; with the working out in the physical vehicle of all divine purposes, and with the physical organisation of a certain great cosmic Life. Particularly is this so when we view the two Hierarchies under consideration. They are the lowest residue of the previous system, and the energy of that matter (liquid, gaseous and dense) which the vibration of the logoic permanent atom (on the plane adi) attracts to itself in the building of the divine form. For purposes of clarification and of generalisation, it might be noted that the seventh Hierarchy is the life or energy found at the heart of every atom, its positive aspect, and the sixth Hierarchy is the life of the forms of all the etheric bodies of every tangible object. The function of this Hierarchy is well described in the words of the Old Commentary: "The devas hear the word go forth. They sacrifice themselves and out of their own substance they build the form desired. They draw life and the material from themselves, and yield themselves to the divine impulse." I. DYNAMIC ENERGY .................................................. Electric Fire The Cardinal Cross | Cancer 1. Sirius...................... | Saturn........................................Fifth Creative Hierarchy | Capricorn (the 8th) Unknown The Cardinal Cross 2. The Great | Aries Bear............................| Sun, veiling Vulcan.....................Second Creative Hierarchy | Libra (the 11th) Unknown The Mutable Cross | Gemini 3. Pleiades................. | Mercury......................................Fourth Creative Hierarchy | Sagittarius (the 9th) Unknown All the above energies are called into play as far as man is concerned during the major initiations and upon the Path of Initiation. II. MAGNETIC ENERGY....................................................Solar Fire The Fixed Cross 4. The 7 solar | Taurus systems....................... | Mars............................................. Third Creative Hierarchy | Scorpio (the 10th) Unknown All the above energy is called into play as far as man is concerned whilst he is in training as a disciple and upon the Path of Discipleship. Note: It is not revealed through which signs of the zodiac the first or twelfth Creative Hierarchy pours forth its energy. Before continuing with the analysis of the tabulations and showing the inter-relations existing in this particular zodiacal cycle between the twelve signs of the zodiac and the twelve planets, there are certain things which I would like to point out here in connection with these zodiacal constellations. They are in the nature of generalisations, but the specific and the particular can be deduced from them. First of all, I would point out that the twelve planets, governing the twelve houses, concern primarily the physical plane expression of the man; they affect potently the personality aspect; their influence, plus inherited karmic conditions, produces those environing states and those circumstances which give opportunity for the development and eventually the control of the form side of life. Secondly, the twelve constellations are concerned primarily with the stimulation of the soul within the form, producing subjective activity which, in its turn, causes changes in the outer expression, through the fusion of the energy of the constellation with the energy of the planets. The effect produced falls into two stages: Through the effect of the energy flowing from the zodiacal signs the man is prepared for the "crisis of orientation" wherein he slowly and gradually reverses his mode of progress upon the wheel of life and begins consciously to travel back to his source. He then goes from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus, Scorpio and Capricorn, instead of moving from Aries to Taurus via Sagittarius, Leo and Cancer. The triplicity of constellations mentioned in these two great routes around the zodiac have a definite and momentous effect and are called "paramount signs of influence." During this process the mental principle, the discriminating mind, is developed and in this specific connection (not in a general connection) the emphasis is laid upon the influence of Aries, Gemini and Libra. Under that influence the man learns to overcome desire through experiment with and experience of every kind of desire and selfish impulse. Thus gradually, and with infinite pain, the human soul learns to function first as a member of the human family, and, secondly as a spiritual entity, the divine soul. You will see from the above that certain positions taken by the esoteric astrologer reverse the position of the orthodox astrology of today. The reason for this is that in the descent of ideas from the plane of ideas, they become "reversed" upon the astral plane and subject to the great illusion; astrology must eventually free itself from this reversal. A right understanding of the effect of the various energies and forces will make it apparent that, when the conditioning planetary forces, the expanding energies of the sun sign and the driving energy of the rising sign are all being controlled and directed by the illumined spiritual man, you will then have a soul upon the very verge of liberation. Eventually the energies of the twelve constellations and—at a final stage of experience and development—of the three great constellations which condition the solar Logos are blended with the innate energies of the seven rays or of the seven planetary Logoi. This marks a point of perfection. These extraneous energies (I refer here to those of the major constellations) are relayed to the Earth via the seven sacred planets and the five non-sacred planets, and when there is the complete fusion of the related energies and, therefore, full expression, a great world period comes to an end. For a long time during this cycle of reincarnations and periods of manifestation, the human being is conditioned almost entirely by the activity of the non-sacred planets. These, as you know, are five in number: The Sun (veiling a planet), the Moon (veiling a planet), the Earth itself, plus Mars and Pluto. Man—speaking symbolically—is the "five-pointed star and, at the fiery points, the forces of the man pour out and upon each fiery point appears a centre of reception." This is of course pictorially expressed, but the meaning is clear. However, as man nears the Path of Discipleship the influence of the sacred planets becomes increasingly effective, until after the final and fifth initiation the non-sacred planets have no effect, though the initiate wields their energies potently as they pour into and through his vehicles of reception, of response and of expression, for all three activities and purposes must be noted. The energies of the twelve constellations are blended with those of the twelve planets, but their power to evoke response, and to be consciously received, recognised and employed, is dependent entirely upon the type of response mechanism of the planetary Life and of the individual man. It has been rightly said that consciousness is dependent upon the vehicles of consciousness, upon their point of development and upon the ability of the individual to identify himself with the energies and impulses which are reaching him, and is not dependent only upon that which is already a recognised part or aspect of himself. It might be said that the higher response to the realities and qualities revealed and made possible by the impact of energy from the zodiacal signs is somewhat dependent upon the waning influence of the planets to hold down the consciousness aspect of the man. Ponder upon this, for it embodies a deep esoteric truth. Thus, two potent streams of energy—cosmic and systemic—reach man via the conditioning planetary centres of force (the seven planetary schemes in the solar system and their corresponding seven centres in the planet on which we live) and pour into the symbolic "twelve houses" through their medium. It is for this reason that our solar system is spoken of as one of "intrinsic duality" (love-wisdom) and that the major task of man is the "regulation of the pairs of opposites." The theme of duality runs through the whole story of man's development. Upon all the three planes of human unfoldment the reconciliation goes forward. What is true of man in this connection is true also of humanity as a whole, of the planetary Logos of the Earth, as of all planetary Logoi, and of a solar Logos. The analogy between the fusion of the pairs of opposites, for instance, upon the physical plane can be seen in the conscious and directed fusion of the planetary forces with the energy of any specific planet or group of planets. The analogy, involving discrimination to regulate and offset the force of the pairs of opposites upon the astral plane, can be seen when the energies of the sun sign and of the planets are perfectly directed and adjusted. The analogy can also be carried forward onto the mental plane and when the energies of the sun sign and the rising sign are coherently blended and expressed (in the case of both the individual or a planetary Life) there comes a point of crisis wherein the soul and the personality are brought face to face. The Angel of the Presence, distributing solar fire and holding focussed electric fire, and the Dweller on the Threshold, expressing and utilising fire by friction, know each other "with intimate occult knowledge." The door then stands open wide through which the life and light of the three major constellations can—after the third initiation—be occultly available to the initiate, be he a liberated human being or a planetary Logos. When astrologers understand the true significance of the constellation Gemini, the Twins, and the dual forces which pour through this sign (the "forces in conflict" as they are sometimes called or "the quarrelling brothers") and beat upon our planetary life, then the true method of resolving the dualities will be known. It is interesting to note also that seven of the symbols which express the twelve signs of the zodiac are dual in their nature, and duality can be inferred from them. These seven constellations are, therefore, closely related to six of the seven sacred planets and to one non-sacred planet. There are two signs which are simple figures and have no significance of duality. They embody the idea of isolated separation and one-pointed desire. They are: Two signs are definitely triple in construction and this has a clear meaning to the esotericist. These two signs are crucial in the experience of the human being, indicating as they do the function of the triple form and the liberation of the man imprisoned in the form, through the tests in Scorpio wherein he proves to himself and to the world the reality of that which Virgo has veiled or hidden. To sum up: Man will, therefore, have to be studied as a threefold entity, a composite individual, expressing (in the three worlds): Three Creative Hierarchies condition the man in incarnation, the 4th (or 9th) the 5th (or 10th) and the 6th. These, in collaboration, create man and, at the same time, constitute the field of his expression. Man is consequently a blend of electric fire, being a divine Flame, and becomes eventually responsive to the three major controlling influences; he is also solar fire, being a solar Angel in manifestation. He then becomes increasingly responsive to the influences of the twelve constellations. He is likewise fire by friction and comes under the influence of the planets. The tabulation below may make this somewhat clearer: 4th Hierarchy; full soul expression; monadic life. Goal: Identification with the Monad. Produces responsiveness to the three constellations. 5th Hierarchy; full life experience; soul life. Goal: Identification with the Soul. Produces responsiveness to the twelve zodiacal constellations. 6th Hierarchy; life experiment; human life. Goal: Identification with the Personality. Produces responsiveness to the planetary influences. The present method is based upon the temporary truth that ordinary man is subject to the illusory nature of manifestation and "as he thinks, so is he." When, however, he becomes Hercules, the Sun God (or solar Angel), he begins to reverse the process (again only apparently) and a definite reorientation takes place. The Teachers on the inner side, therefore, study the horoscope only in its relation to the following three entities: It thus becomes apparent again to what an extent the "principle of duality" enters into everything. It is a shifting dualism, according to where the emphasis may be placed, but this dualism is present until the last and final initiation—present in the later stages of the evolutionary process, in the adjustment of form relations but not present in the consciousness of the disciple of advanced degree. That is the major point to be grasped. A third point must here be made, following upon the two earlier emphasised. A great part of our study will be occupied with the relation of the six constellations in the upper half of the zodiacal wheel to the six which are found in the lower half; we shall consider the energy which is a human being (note that phrasing) as it travels from Aries to Taurus and then—reversing the process—travels from Aries to Pisces. We will consider the dualities provided by one of these constellations and its opposite; we will study, therefore, the great qualities provided by a constellation and its opposite sign. We will take up these points in the following manner: the signs: "He turns from right to left, and then again from left to right. He revolves in giddy fashion upon an axis of desire. He knows not where to go or what to do. The sky turns black." At this point, the sign Gemini begins potently to play its part in the life of the disciples, with Sagittarius gradually "piercing the heart with his arrows, and then upon the flight of the arrow, the man reaches Capricorn." Then comes the Crisis of Renunciation. Cancer Leo Aquarius Mass awareness Individual awareness Group awareness Instinctual consciousness Intelligent consciousness Intuitive consciousness Then, from the standpoint of achievement in Capricorn, he works for several lives around the zodiacal path, descending into the sea of the mass consciousness to become what is called in the ancient books "the Crab, who clears the ocean of matter which flows around the soul of man," and eventually to become a functioning world saviour in Pisces. He descends into the world of men to save mankind and to further the plan. He is then "the fish who swims free in the ocean of matter." The initiate has always to express, in each sign of the zodiac, the consummation and the spiritual fruit of earlier life experience, world experiment and soul achievement. Selfishness has ever to be translated into living active service, and desire has to demonstrate its transmutation in the purity of spiritual aspiration for identification with the will of God. There are one or two points which must be dealt with in order to enable you to study with certain definite ideas clearly formulated in your minds. I have hinted at them in some of my earlier books but it will be of service to refer to them again and to expand the ideas somewhat. I would have you carry them in your minds as you read and study. I have frequently referred to the fact that the entire science of astrology is based upon a non-existent condition. It has no basis in material fact and yet is eternally based on truth. The zodiac is, as you well know, the imaginary path of the Sun in the heavens. It is therefore largely an illusion, from the exoteric point of view. But at the same time the constellations exist, and the streams of energy which pass and repass, intermingle and interlock throughout the body of space are by no means illusions but definitely express eternal relationships. It is the misuse of the various energies which has created the illusion. This illusory path is consequently as much a reality to humanity today as are the personality illusions of any individual. These illusions are due to the polarisation of the individual upon the astral plane. It is interesting also to note in this connection that—due to the precession of the equinoxes—a fourth type of force is brought to bear upon the planet and man, but one which is seldom recognised and given due place in the horoscope. The month and the sign, or the place of the Sun in the heavens, do not really coincide. When we state, for instance, that the Sun is "in Aries" it conveys an esoteric truth but not an exoteric fact. The Sun was in Aries at the beginning of this great cycle, but it is not in exactly the same position today when it is "found" in that sign. Also it should be remembered that as it is necessary to know the moment of birth and the place of birth in casting the horoscope of the individual, so in order to have a perfectly correct understanding and accurate deductions in connection with the constellation, the planets and our Earth there should be a fixed time from which to reckon. That fixed time is as yet unknown in exoteric astrology, though the Hierarchy possesses the needed information and it will be made available when the right time comes. It is the knowledge of this inner information which constitutes the basis of the statements which I have made or will make which will seem revolutionary to the orthodox investigator. There has to be a constant rectification of the earlier conclusions of humanity and of this the outstanding instance is the statement in the Bible that the prime date of creation is 4004 B.C. This is recognised as an error by modern science but is still believed by many. I earlier gave a hint upon which definite astrological computation could be based when I gave the time of the "Great Approach" of the Hierarchy to our planetary manifestation when individualisation took place and the fourth kingdom in nature appeared. I placed that stupendous event as happening 21,688,345 years ago. At that time the Sun was in Leo. The process then initiated upon the physical plane and producing outer physical events took approximately 5,000 years to mature and the Sun was in Gemini when the final crisis of individualisation took place and the door was then closed upon the animal kingdom. It has been stated that Sagittarius governs human evolution, as the Sun was in that sign when the Hierarchy began its Approach in order to stimulate the forms of life upon our planet. Sagittarius, however, governed the period of the subjective approach. The Sun was in Leo when physical plane individualisation took place as a result of the applied stimulation. The Sun was in Gemini when this Approach was consummated by the founding of the Hierarchy upon the Earth. This is one of the great secrets which the Masonic Rituals typify, for the symbol of the sign, Gemini, is the source of the concept of the two pillars, so familiar to Masons. It might therefore be stated that, symbolically speaking: It is always confusing to the beginner who has not yet a developed and trained intuition to reconcile the seeming discrepancies and apparent contradictions which appear in the teaching of the Ageless Wisdom. This same difficulty will be met with in the science of astrology and some reference to the matter is in order at this point. I would remind you of the occult truism which states that interpretation and right understanding are based upon the stage of the development of the individual. H.P.B. remarked in The Secret Doctrine that for some people the highest principle of which they can be consciously aware might be a very low one for another person. The constellations and the planets which govern them may, and do, have one effect upon the mass and another upon the average individual man, and still a third effect upon the disciple or the initiate. As the various energies and forces circulate throughout the etheric body of our solar system, their reception and effect will depend upon the state of the planetary centres and upon the point of unfoldment of the centres in individual man. That is why the various charts and tabulations can differ so widely and different planets can appear as ruling the constellations. There seems to be no fixed rule and the student gets bewildered. Orthodox astrology posits one set of planetary rulers, and they are correct as far as the mass of humanity is concerned. But the disciple, who lives above the diaphragm, responds to another combination and it is with these that I shall principally deal. That is why the three charts here given do not appear to coincide. They are drawn up to express the situation in regard to three groups: CONSTELLATIONS AND PLANETARY RULERS IN CONNECTION WITH ORDINARY MAN Constellation Ruler Ray Related to: 1. Aries Mars 6th ray Scorpio 2. Taurus Venus 5th ray Libra 3. Gemini Mercury 4th ray Virgo 4. Cancer Moon 4th ray none 5. Leo The Sun 2nd ray none 6. Virgo Mercury 4th ray Gemini 7. Libra Venus 5th ray Taurus 8. Scorpio Mars 6th ray Aries 9. Sagittarius Jupiter 2nd ray Pisces 10. Capricorn Saturn 3rd ray none 11. Aquarius Uranus 7th ray none 12. Pisces Jupiter 2nd ray Sagittarius *The non-sacred planets are italicised. All the rays are represented except the first. This is interesting, as the mass of the people move within their horoscopes and the will aspect is latent but unexpressed. CONSTELLATIONS AND PLANETARY RULERS IN CONNECTION WITH DISCIPLES AND INITIATES *In charts connected with the PATH, progress is from Aries to Pisces through Taurus, etc. Constellation Ruler Ray Related to: 1. Aries Mercury 4th ray Virgo 2. Taurus Vulcan 1st ray Pisces 3. Gemini Venus 5th ray none 4. Cancer Neptune 6th ray Scorpio 5. Leo The Sun 2nd ray Aquarius 6. Virgo The Moon 4th ray Aries 7. Libra Uranus 7th ray none 8. Scorpio Mars 6th ray Cancer 9. Sagittarius The Earth 3rd ray Capricorn 10. Capricorn Saturn 3rd ray Sagittarius 11. Aquarius Jupiter 2nd ray Leo 12. Pisces Pluto 1st ray Taurus *In connection with disciples and the zodiacal signs, Gemini and Libra are two constellations which—through their rulers—express 5th and 7th ray energy. For some occult reason, they remain unrelated to any other of the signs. The relation between the other constellations through the planets, as expressing the rays, is as follows: sacrifice and of the individual will into the divine will. The World Saviour I would call attention to the fact that in Tabulation IV, the relationship is between the planets which rule, and in Tabulation V the emphasis is laid upon the conditioning ray. Constellation Orthodox Disciple Hierarchies 1. Aries Mars Mercury Uranus 2. Taurus Venus Vulcan Vulcan 3. Gemini Mercury Venus The Earth 4. Cancer The Moon Neptune Neptune 5. Leo The Sun The Sun The Sun 6. Virgo Mercury The Moon Jupiter 7. Libra Venus Uranus Saturn 8. Scorpio Mars Mars Mercury 9. Sagittarius Jupiter The Earth Mars 10. Capricorn Saturn Saturn Venus 11. Aquarius Uranus Jupiter The Moon 12. Pisces Jupiter Pluto Pluto Constellation Ruler Ray Related to: 1. Aries Uranus 7th ray none 2. Taurus Vulcan 1st ray Pisces 3. Gemini The Earth 3rd ray Libra 4. Cancer Neptune 6th ray Sagittarius 5. Leo The Sun 2nd ray Virgo 6. Virgo Jupiter 2nd ray Leo 7. Libra Saturn 3rd ray Gemini 8. Scorpio Mercury 4th ray Aquarius 9. Sagittarius Mars 6th ray Cancer 10. Capricorn Venus 5th ray none 11. Aquarius The Moon 4th ray Scorpio 12. Pisces Pluto lst ray Taurus Aries and Capricorn in conjunction with 7th and 5th ray energy stand alone. The other constellations and rays are related in every case: In view of all the above, and starting with the basic fact of the Great Illusion it should be remembered that the accuracy of astrological prediction and interpretation will be based upon three factors: Astrologers will eventually be able to cast the horoscope of the soul, which is sensitive to different combinations of forces to those controlling the personality life. The disciple and the initiate respond distinctively to the incoming influences and their response differs from that of the undeveloped man or the self-centred person. This will have to be recognised. Those who "live below the diaphragm" and who react to the incoming energies through the medium of the lower centres will have a very different type of chart to that of the disciple and initiate. It will require a different mode of interpretation. I have referred to this before and would remind you of some of the points which I made. All this time the energy of the sun (veiling a sacred planet, hitherto unknown) is steadily and persistently reaching the man via the solar angel. CHAPTER II
Introductory Remarks It will be apparent to you after studying the foregoing that one of the results which should emerge under the impression of this new approach to astrological diagnosis (as far as the individual is concerned) will be the more correct casting of the horoscope of advanced human beings—disciples and initiates. This has not hitherto been accurately possible. It will only come about, however, if there is wise and right experiment and investigation. I have posited two sets of rulers for two types of people: It will be necessary to remember nevertheless that there are an infinite number of permutations possible, of complexities and relationships, due to the vast number of possible combinations existing in the path of life of the individual and dependent upon his stage of evolutionary unfoldment. These might be divided into three groups through a broad, but necessarily inadequate, generalisation: energies and who are beginning to work through the throat and the heart centres, with the goal of completely awakening the ajna centre. and the triangle of force in the head (from the ajna centre to the head centre and from the head centre to the centre found in the medulla oblongata) is beginning to function. When these centres are all awakening, their simplest combinations are the following triangles. The Science of Triangles underlies all astrological deduction as well as the centres in the human body. This you know, but the four triplicities of orthodox astrology are only the rudiments of this true science, which lies behind the orthodox interpretations. | 1. Base of the spine | 3. Solar Plexus Centre | 1. Throat Centre | 3. Ajna Centre | 1. Ajna Centre | 2. Head Centre | 3. Centre in the medulla oblongata Unfortunately the organising principle is not as simple as the above tabulation would make it appear, for the emphasis, the focus and the mode of arranging and of vitalisation, and the appearance of these esoteric triangles vary with the ray type. This Science of Triangles of Energy underlies the new esoteric science both in astrology and in the science of laya-yoga or the science of the centres. Both this ancient yoga and the still more ancient astrological science have now to be studied upon a higher turn of the spiral. Up till the present time, the teaching about the centres has been inherited from Atlantean times and couched in the old forms and formulas which are basically unsuited to our present greatly advanced stage of development. The same can be said of orthodox or exoteric astrology. Both these sciences must be reoriented and rearranged, and astrology must be based upon a deeper understanding of the relation of the planets—sacred and non-sacred—to the centres and to certain prominent "cycles of polarisation" emerging as the fore-ordained results of "periods of crisis." This last sentence embodies a basic and important statement of truth. There are, as you well know, five non-sacred planets, and seven which are regarded as sacred. These twelve planetary lives (with their own cycles, points of crisis and moments of polarisation) are closely related to the seven centres. The five centres up the spine are related to the five non-sacred planets, but in unevolved or average man, are focussed almost entirely upon the astral plane and in the astral body. It should be noted that: Some of the tasks which I propose to undertake in this section of our Treatise on the Seven Rays are as follows: These planetary centres will be studied from two angles: These three streams of force pour through: Leo, Capricorn and Pisces to: Saturn, Mercury and Uranus (the Moon) to: The head, ajna and heart centres to: The throat, the solar plexus and the base of the spine. It should be remembered that the sacral centre and the spleen are primarily connected with the planetary emanation of the Earth itself. The Cardinal Cross The Fixed Cross The Mutable Cross e. Life Consciousness Form f. Monad Ego Personality g. Three Initiations Two Initiations Ordinary man (Initiates) (Disciples) Before proceeding with the more technical aspects of our subject, I would like to elaborate this theme of the zodiac, its story and symbolism from the more philosophical and spiritual angle, giving you the subjective picture of man's progress as he passes on "the sweep of the sun along the path of life." This is a technical phrase and refers to the activity of a sun, a planet, a hierarchy or a man, after there has been a "moment of crisis," resulting in a "period of polarisation," leading inevitably to a fresh surge and sweep onwards. These three words—crisis, polarisation and sweep—are the basis of cyclic law and govern the evolutionary process. From the point of view of humanity, the passage of the Sun around the zodiac is apparently a slow and laborious process, taking approximately (on the plane of time) 25,000 years. From the angle of the inner vision, it is a sweep around the Path of Life, taking only a moment of time and "obliterating past, present and future in the radiant glory of the work accomplished." We will follow man from sign to sign as he—in travail and pain—forges the equipment and develops painfully the mechanism which will enable him to arrive at a major moment of crisis in his cyclic life wherein he will begin to free himself from the path of the great illusion along which he has travelled for aeons from Aries to Taurus, via Pisces and—reversing himself—will begin to travel the path of light from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus. This changing experience is expressed for us most beautifully in the sixth section of the Old Commentary: "The Cross of many changes (the Mutable Cross. A.A.B.) continues with its whirling, carrying crucified thereon the form of a man in whom is found the seed of all illusion. But, from the Cross whereon he has been slain—e'en though he knew it not—the man climbs down and feels his way (with pain and many tears) on to another Cross—a Cross of blinding light, of fiery pain, of bitter woe, and yet the Cross of liberation. It is a stationary Cross, fixed in the Heavens, and guarded by the Angel. Behind the Cross, another Cross appears, but that he may not reach (the Angel guards the way!) until the Bull has rent and torn the man, and then—the light shines forth; until the Serpent dread has wrestled with the man and brought him to his knees, and then—the lifting up into the light; until the Lion has been tamed, the secret of the Sphinx revealed, and then—the revelation of the inner light; until the man has lifted up his water-pot and joined the ranks of those who are the Water-bearers, and then the flowing of the stream of life will fill his water-pot and drain the rancid pool and cleanse its source and thus reveal the hidden way which leads unto the innermost light, hid by the final Cross. Then, from the Cross of man, the initiate finds his way, passes the Angel and leaves behind the inner torn veil, mounts the major Cross and passes into day, the final day. The wheel for him stands still. The sun and stars, for him, fade out. A great light is seen and..." The three crosses on Mount Golgotha were Biblical symbols of these three astrological crosses, the Common or Mutable Cross, the Fixed Cross and the Cardinal Cross. I would ask you to remember that though I shall trace the progress of the man from sign to sign around the zodiacal way, yet there is not necessarily this ordered sequence of travel or the smooth passage from sign to sign as I may portray it. All souls come into incarnation in the sign Cancer. By this I mean that the very first human incarnation was always taken in this sign which has been recognised down the ages as "the doorway into life of those who must know death," just as the constellation Capricorn is ever regarded as another door and is called esoterically the "doorway into life of those who know not death." As the ages slip away, the man passes into and out of all the signs, the particular sign being determined by the nature of the personality ray which itself changes, as you know, from life to life. In those signs he learns the needed lessons, broadens his horizon, integrates his personality, begins to sense the conditioning soul, and thus discovers his essential duality. When he is upon the Path of Discipleship (and here I include the Path of Initiation) occult rumour says that he then becomes conditioned by the tireless Watcher, the soul, and is subjected (during the final stages of the path) to exactly twelve incarnations, passing one in each of the twelve signs. In them he has to prove himself, attaining great moments of crisis in each of the constellations of the Fixed Cross in particular. From point to point, stage to stage, and finally Cross to Cross, he fights for his spiritual life, in all the twelve houses and all the twelve constellations, subjected to countless combinations of forces and energies—ray, planetary, zodiacal and cosmic—until he is "made anew," becomes the "new man," is sensitive to the entire range of spiritual vibrations in our solar system and has achieved that detachment which will enable him to escape from the wheel of rebirth. He has accomplished this by mounting the three Crosses—the cross of the Personality or the changing form, the Cross of the Disciple or the eternal soul, and the Cross of the Spirit. This really means that he has passed through three momentous crises in his life cycle. The Mounting of the Wheel . . . . . . .Personality and form life The Cycle of Rebirth in Form . . . . ..Experience Manifestation of Manhood II. The Crisis of Reorientation . . . The Fixed Cross The Changing to the 2nd Cross . . . The life of the soul Preparation for the 2nd Birth . . . . . Consciousness Manifestation of Christhood III. The Crisis of Initiation . . . . . . .The Cardinal Cross The Transfiguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Life of the Spirit Manifestation of Divinity In our study of the interlocking system of energies, in so far as they affect and condition a human being, the theme of the Three Crosses is of profound and practical interest, especially as they provide those points of crisis wherein a man steps off the ordinary path of evolution and treads the path of discipleship or—after the third initiation mounts a third Cross. It will underlie our thought and all that I have to say. A steady recollection of the twelve basic energies (five major and seven minor which are in reality, and apart from astral reversion due to the Great Illusion, seven major and five minor) will be of value. These work out into human expression via the Lords of the twelve signs and the twelve planetary Rulers. These twelve basic energies emanate from the seven stars of the Great Bear (transmitted through seven stars of the Little Bear); two of them come from Sirius and three from the Pleiades. This set-up (if I may use such an unorthodox term) will be the condition of the major solar sphere of influence at the end of the Great Age of Brahma, as it is esoterically called. In the "interim or interlude of evolution" (which is the inadequate translation of an occult phrase given to a world cycle in the Masters' Archives) these energies are stepped down into forces and are literally sixteen all told—from the angle of manifestation, I would remind you—and make literally: 7+7+2=16=7. In these numbers the mystery of our evolutionary process lies hid. Always, however, the emphasis must be laid upon the Rays of Energy and Quality as they pour through the zodiacal constellations and the planets. The new astrology therefore is necessarily based upon an understanding of the rays. The following tabulation is fundamental in its implications in this connection and upon it all that I have to say will be based. Seven stars of the Great Bear are the originating Sources of the seven rays of our solar system. The seven Rishis (as They are called) of the Great Bear express Themselves through the medium of the seven planetary Logoi Who are Their Representatives and to Whom They stand in the relation of prototype. The seven Planetary Spirits manifest through the medium of the seven sacred planets. Each of these seven Rays, coming from the Great Bear, are transmitted into our solar system through the medium of three constellations and their ruling planets. The following tabulation makes this clear but must be interpreted only in terms of this present turn of the Great Zodiacal Wheel (25,000 years): Ray Constellations Planets Planets (Orthodox) (Esoteric) Aries, The Ram-----------------Mars -----------Mercury I. Will or Power----------------Leo, the Lion--------------------Sun -------------Sun Capricorn, the Goat -----------Saturn----------Saturn Gemini, the Twins -------------Mercury -------Venus Pisces, the Fishes---------------Jupiter ---------Pluto Cancer, the Crab ----------------Moon --------- Neptune Capricorn, the Goat -------------Saturn-------- Saturn Taurus, the Bull -----------------Venus ---------Vulcan Conflict Sagittarius, the Archer----------Jupiter -------- Earth Leo, the Lion --------------------Sun ------------ Sun Aquarius, the Watercarrier----Uranus -------- Jupiter Virgo, the Virgin ----------------Mercury ------ Moon Pisces, the Fishes----------------Jupiter --------Pluto Aries, the Ram-------------------Mars ---------- Mercury Capricorn, the Goat -------------Saturn--------- Saturn It will be obvious to you how much correlating work and how much readjustment of ideas will be needed as the new astrology is worked out into practical usefulness and eventually substituted for that now holding sway. This new astrology really embodies five sciences: This latter science will be based upon the four previous ones and will constitute an interpretation of the future which will be founded on a correct understanding of the rays—personal and egoic—of the influence of the triangles—zodiacal, planetary, racial and human. These latter triangles are arrived at by a study of the individual human centres. When all this has been ascertained and worked out in the new style of horoscope which will be later developed, then the Science of Destiny will be applied and the future indications discovered. Of this, the personal progressed horoscope is the embryonic seed. Some indication of relative values can be gained by a consideration of the human triangles as given in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, which suggested the following: "It would repay the student to contemplate the interesting succession of triangles that are to be found and the way in which they must be linked by the progression of the fire before that fire can perfectly vivify them, and thence pass on to other transmutations. We might enumerate some of these triangles, bearing always in mind that, according to the ray, so will proceed the geometric rising of the fire, and according to the ray, so will the points be touched in ordered sequence. Herein lies one of the secrets of initiation, and herein are found some of the dangers entailed in a too quick publication of information concerning the rays. All these different periods show different triangular radiations. We must not infer from this that when the fire is centred in one triangle it is not demonstrating in others. Once the fire has free passage along any triangle it flames continuously, but always there is one triangle more radiant and luminous than the others, and it is from these glowing triangles of light, issuing from wheels and vortices of fire, that the clairvoyant and the teachers of the race can appraise a man's position in the scheme of things, and judge of his attainment.
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1. Three Basic Statements
2. The Creative Hierarchies
3. The Great Wheel
II. The Nature of Esoteric Astrology
1. Centres and Triangles of Force
2. The Crosses and the Signs
3. Spiritual Effects of the Zodiac
III. The Science of Triangles
1. Triangles of Energy - Constellations
2. Triangles of Force - Planets
3. Triangles and the Centres
4. Conclusions
IV. The Sacred and Non-Sacred Planets
1. The Centres, Rays and Signs
2. The Races, Rays and Signs
V. Three Major Constellations
1. Leo, Capricorn and Pisces
2. Major Planetary Influences
VI. The Three Crosses
VII. The Rays, Constellations and Planets
1. The Nature of the Will
2. Various Aspects of the Will
3. The Keynotes of the Seven Rays
4. Cosmic Energies and Transformation
The TibetanThe Zodiac and the Rays
1. Three Basic Statements
2. The Creative Hierarchies
(The Five Kumaras)
(The seven states of being - under karmic law)
Divine Lives
Planet - Sun
Color - Orange
Supreme energy
Logoic Plane
Conferring soul
(C.F. 605)
Burning sons of desire
Planet - Jupiter
Color - Blue
Materialising ideal
Monadic Plane
Conferring form
(C.F. 605)
The triple flowers
Planet - Saturn
Color - Yellow
Force of mind
Atmic plane
The Initiates
Lord of Sacrifice
Planet - Mercury
Color - Yellow
The WORD made flesh. Speech
The Crocodiles
Makara, the mystery
Planet - Venus
Color - Indigo
Will to manifest
Mental Plane
Sacrificial Fires
(C.F. 378)
Planet - Mars
Color - Red
Energy of matter
Astral Plane
The Baskets of Nourishment. The Blinded Lives
Planet - the Moon
3. The Great Wheel and Spiritual Unfoldment
Before I give you the remaining part of the chart which deals with the constellations as conductors of cosmic energies or as transmitters of their own energy, I would like to remark that much that I shall say will be based upon:
The Nature of Esoteric Astrology
1. Centres and Triangles of Force
2. The Crosses and the Signs
At the culmination of life experience, and when man has reached his goal, each triangle is a radiant path of fire, and each centre a wheel of living fiery force rotating at terrific speed; the centre at this stage not only rotates in a specific direction, but literally turns upon itself, forming a living flaming iridescent globe of pure fire, and holding within it a certain geometrical shape, yet withal vibrating so rapidly that the eye can scarcely follow it. Above all, at the top of the head will be seen a fiery display that seems to put all the other centres into insignificance; from the heart of this many- petalled lotus issues a flame of fire with the basic hue of a man's ray. This flame mounts upward and seems to attract downward a sheet of electric light, which is the downflow from the spirit on the highest plane. This marks the blending of the fires and the deliverance of man from the trammels of matter." A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
At present, charts are set up on the basis of the personality condition or of the personality ray, if the astrologer is fortunate enough to know or to guess it accurately; if, however, the subject is an advanced person, then the chart will be frequently wrong as the planets which govern in the case of ordinary or undeveloped man have ceased to influence the spiritual man and the disciple. Average man is primarily conditioned in the events of his physical plane life by the position of the planets in the twelve houses and they are, in their turn, conditioned by certain karmic influences which the advanced man has overcome, or is overcoming. The horoscope will be cast eventually on the basis of the soul ray, and then the zodiacal signs which govern the activities and the influence of the present group of planetary Rulers will be considerably lessened. New planetary potencies (conveying zodiacal energies) will control and take precedence of the old ones, thus putting the man in touch with different forces. Finally the time will come when he will be sensitive to the whole range of vibrations; charts will then be set up which will be called "charts of the crosses" and not simply indications of planetary influences in the twelve houses. I question whether there is any living astrologer capable of doing this as yet.
These are the kind of charts by which the Masters gauge Their disciples and they are most interesting; I touched upon them somewhat earlier in this treatise. These "charts of the crosses" are the ones that are prepared prior to the third initiation, at which time the man begins his "approach" to the Cardinal Cross of the heavens. I would here remind you, e'en though it is a piece of useless information, that the fifth major initiation of our planet is the first cosmic initiation, just as the third initiation is the first systemic. The two first initiations are planetary in their implications. The above statement has deep and esoteric astrological significance.
I am now going to outline to you the spiritual effect of the passage of a soul around the wheel of experience. We will attempt to consider, in the case of each constellation, the general effect upon a soul—undergoing the experience—from the orthodox angle as he travels from Aries to Taurus, via Pisces, and then—as the disciple, coming under other influences—travels from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus. Thus the usual process is reversed and the man reorients himself and "faces the East," as it is esoterically called. He expresses then in the highest possible manner the qualities of his soul ray as, in the first case, he expressed the quality of the personality ray.
It is not possible for me to be more specific. I seek only to give certain spiritual implications and hints and to convey a general idea of the effect of the great illusion upon resultant conditions and, secondly, the result of the great tests which every disciple eventually undergoes as he reverses the wheel of life.
Strictly speaking, what I have to say now concerns the pure first ray type because Aries is the zodiacal sign through which the first Ray of Will or Power reaches our planetary life. Such pure types are rare indeed and at this period of evolution well-nigh unknown. Most people are governed by their personality ray and as the present first ray types are expressing themselves through personalities which are on all the rays, I would simply ask you to consider what I have to say from the angle of character effects, of problems presented and of quality unfolded. It is well-nigh impossible to be more explicit until such time as the Science of the Rays has been further developed; the astrologer must ascertain the ray type before he will be able to cast the adequate horoscope of the soul. My remarks are therefore general and not specific and are universal and not particular. I impose no doctrine. I indicate phases of speculation which might prove illuminating and fruitful.
Aries is one of the constellations of the Cardinal Cross of the heavens. This is the cross of God, the Father, and, therefore, of the incarnating monad. It is the expression of will or power as it expresses itself through the great creative process. When the initiate (as we shall later see) transfers himself on to the Cardinal Cross from which he descended when coming into incarnation and mounted in its place the Common or Mutable Cross, he no longer identifies himself with form or even with soul, but with the will of divinity and with the eternal plan and purpose. It becomes his plan and purpose. He knows no other in a sense which is unknown even to an initiate of the third degree. He then enters into the council chamber of God; he becomes a part of the conclave at Shamballa; he functions no longer simply as a member of the Hierarchy upon the mental plane. He can now function through all the three world centres—Humanity, the Hierarchy and Shamballa.
Aries initiates the cycle of manifestation. All souls, as individual entities, come into human incarnation for the first time in the sign of Cancer, emerging as mental entities in the sign Aries, as emotional- desire entities in the sign Taurus and as vital entities in the sign Gemini, taking then physical form in Cancer. This is an involutionary, subjective cycle. Thus they emerge into the ocean of physical plane existence, into the world of matter. Yet the first impulse is awakened in Aries, for Aries is the place where the initial idea to institute activity takes form. It is the birthplace of ideas, and a true idea is in reality a spiritual impulse taking form—subjective and objective. There originates the response of the soul to the highest aspect or quality of deity because there appears the "will to incarnate." The first ray aspect of the Monad, responding to the first aspect of deity, evokes response from the first ray aspect of the soul and the first step towards incarnation is taken on that plane in the system which is the mental plane. Aries "awakens the will to reach the lowest and there control, to know the uttermost and thus to face all experience"—thus runs an ancient statement.
The keynotes of the sign Aries are four in number, all conveying the same idea. They can be expressed in the following four injunctions which are given, symbolically, to the incarnating soul:
Creation—Being—Activity—Strife—Synthesis, these are the nature of the Lord of the first constellation and enable Him to influence our planet to these results. And thus the great cycle of struggle towards expression starts and the foundational words of The Secret Doctrine, with which you are all so familiar, expresses the goal and the purpose of the first sign of the Cardinal Cross:
"Matter is the vehicle for the manifestation of soul on this plane of existence, and soul is the vehicle on a higher plane for the manifestation of spirit, and these three are a trinity synthesised by life which pervades them all."
What appears in Aries as spiritual energy enters into the soul stage in Cancer, in which sign the soul incarnates for the first time in form, reaches a point of equilibrium in Libra, in which sign soul and personality achieve a balance of cooperation and, in Capricorn, the will nature arrives at fulfilment and a visioned goal is reached. In Capricorn, the man reaches either the height of personal ambition or he becomes the initiate, attaining his spiritual objective. The difference between these two goals depends upon the mode of progression around the wheel of life. It should be remembered—generalising again and speaking symbolically—that the Crosses also turn, being the spokes of the great wheel. The undeveloped man goes from Aries to Capricorn and to Libra and Cancer, whilst the developed man reverses the process. We could, for the sake of clarity, consider the great experience of life as taking place upon the three wheels within the wheel of Life, viewing it from three angles:
Aries, therefore, starts the process of the "most ancient initiation" which all the human family has already undergone and will undergo. The first great cosmic initiation (as far as humanity is concerned) is initiation into incarnation—the initiation of individualisation. This process culminates aeons later in the reversing of the wheel and the attaining of a definite goal in Capricorn. It culminates in the achievement of transference from off the Fixed Cross on to the Cardinal Cross, which is, in its turn, the logical sequence of the transference from off the Mutable or Common Cross on to the Fixed Cross. Therefore, in its lowest manifestation, Aries is the creator of those activities, conditions and processes which lead to the manifestation of soul through the medium of form, and later of those higher creative undertakings which lead in due time to the manifestation of spirit through the soul.
These processes eventually demonstrate the true nature of the triplicity to which I introduced you in the earlier pages of this treatise: Life—Quality—Appearance.
Aries is also the purveyor to our solar system of Fire (Electric Fire) and of the dynamic nature of God which has in it the qualities of fostering and nourishing heat and also of the fire which burns and destroys. From the standpoint of esoteric astrology, there are three major signs in which the "three deaths" are undergone:
Through the fiery processes of war and strife, brought to the individual through the influence of the planetary ruler, Mars, the God of War, a needed purification takes place. The same purification, but this time through vision, comes to the developed man through the activity of the subjective ruler of the planet, Mercury, who is the illuminating principle which releases the mind, directs the way of man through life and enables him to become aware of the divine Plan which underlies all his fiery experience.
It is the influence of these three which brings about the "three needed and determined deaths" in the life of the human being. I am here referring to the signs, independently of their planetary rulers. There is something in the energy which pours in through these signs which predetermines a crystallising process and the eventual destruction of some type of form control. The Old Commentary expresses these ideas in the following terms:
"The fire blazed forth and through that fire I died to life and so was born to death. And then again I died to form (Aries).
The heat of earth, the fiery temper of the mother, destroyed the form, released the soul and so the lesser self was killed (Scorpio).
The waters drowned the man. The fish was made to disappear. It then appeared again only to die or else to die and bring salvation" (Pisces).
Thus there are symbolically the death through fire, the death through earth and the death through water—burning, suffocation and drowning—but, in this world cycle, the death through air is not either known or understood. There are not therefore four deaths, as the goal of our system during manifestation is "initiation or release into the air," so that the bird of life out of time and space can fly free. The concept which the Law of Correspondence brings of the final death is covered by the words liberation, relinquishment and final initiation, and means little to humanity, for it concerns the planetary Logos and His life cycle. The three deaths which do overtake man, the individual and the human family as a whole, release the soul into three great planetary centres:
There is much to work out, is there not, in these ideas which I offer to you as suggestive considerations and as hints related to the Science of Triangles, which is the esoteric basis of astrology, just as the doctrine of the trinity (microcosmic and macrocosmic) is the esoteric basis of occultism. Death is, therefore, of three kinds. This Science of Divine Dying underlies the well-known phrase "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world," and when the relationship between Aries, Scorpio and Pisces is properly understood (as the linking and merging of the three crosses) a new light will be thrown upon all subsidiary sciences—exoteric and esoteric. The teaching in The Secret Doctrine about the reincarnating monads who are called the divine Sacrifices, Lords of Knowledge, Will and Sacrifice, will be clarified. These monads, who are ourselves, are Lords of Persevering Ceaseless Devotion —devotion even unto death.
It is interesting here to note also that through the ruling planet, Mars, the average man born in this sign is related to Scorpio, and thus the Cardinal Cross is related to the Fixed Cross. Points of crisis can thus be noted when the horoscope is considered from this angle. At the same time, Aries is related to birth, through Mercury who rules Aries esoterically, and also Virgo, of which Mercury is the exoteric ruler.
Through Uranus also, Aries is related to Aquarius, the sign of world service, leading to death and liberation in Pisces. Uranus is the planet through which zodiacal energy flows, in connection with the Creative Hierarchies upon our planet, from one of the stars of the Great Bear. It is these relationships with which esoteric astrology deals, and from them the universal can be grasped and the particular understood. The human being in his eventual recognised group relationships is of more importance than appears in his individual life, which the orthodox horoscope seeks to elucidate. It only determines his little destiny and unimportant fate. Esoteric astrology indicates his group usefulness and the scope of his potential consciousness.
I would remind you here that frequently when the ruler of a sign is given as the Sun or the Moon I shall speak of one of the hidden planets, Uranus or Vulcan. These are interchangeable in their use and it is difficult to tell to which the esoteric planet refers unless you have been told. Hence my above reference to Uranus.
In connection with Aries, which expresses or is the agent primarily of the first Ray of Will or Power, the ray of the destroyer, it should be stated that first ray energy comes from the divine Prototype in the Great Bear, that it becomes transmuted into the force and activity of the planetary Logos of the first ray, and works out as His triple activity under the guidance of the three ruling planets—Mars, Mercury and Uranus.
Mars embodies sixth ray force which leads to idealism, destructive fanaticism frequently, struggle, strife, war, effort and evolution. God's idea in Aries becomes the concrete plan in Capricorn whether that objective is the full flower of the planetary life in all its forms, the ambition of a personality working out its own ideas and ambitious worldly projects or the spiritual aspiration (worldly ambition transmuted into its higher aspect) of the initiate, who seeks to work out God's plans and make them his own. In every case, Mars leads to the battle ground of Scorpio.
Mercury, embodying the energy of the fourth ray, eventually carries the man around the wheel of life and through the medium of conflict enables him to achieve harmony. Mercury illumines the mind and mediates between the soul and the personality, being the Messenger of the Gods. This mediatorship, in the first instance, produces an inevitable opposition between the pairs of opposites and a long drawn out conflict. This conflict finally works out into victory and the dispelling of illusion through the illumination of the lower mind. Mercury and the Sun are one, we are frequently told in the occult literature. The Sun is the symbol of the Son of God, Who is the mediator between Father-Spirit and Mother-Matter. Mercury, therefore, leads Aries to Virgo (again speaking symbolically) where the idea or Word of God begins to take form, and consequently the latent life in Aries comes to the "crisis of the birth hour," prior to the birth of the Christ, cosmically considered, though the birth of the individual Christ takes place in Capricorn, at the close of the needed gestation period.
Uranus embodies the energy of the seventh ray and its work is analogous to that of Mercury, for the seventh ray is the ray which relates spirit and matter and brings together electric fire and fire by friction, thus producing manifestation. Uranus leads the soul to the burning ground during the final stages of the Path, when the fire of Aries and the fires engendered through the potency of Uranus produce the flaming heat of the final burning ground. Through this burning ground, the initiate has finally to pass. Uranus rules the occult Way and is, in an esoteric sense, connected with the Hierophant of the Mysteries of Initiation.
Therefore, we have in relation to Aries and the life of the soul, which there comes into subjective manifestation, certain related signs wherein the soul, in objective manifestation, passes through peculiar and definite crises:
You will note that the rays which are related to or expressing themselves through Aries are curiously balanced, Rays 1 and 7 are the highest and the lowest, and therefore demand a point of balance upon the wheel which is provided in Libra. Rays 6 and 4 bring to this balancing process the energy of the second ray, the major building ray which enables the man to build anew and provide himself with a spiritual body of manifestation.
I would also call your attention to the fact that through Uranus, Aries is related to Aquarius. The vague beginnings in Aries, the faint emergence of the latent embodied ideas have—after the turning of the wheel in two directions—brought release in Capricorn and produced the world server in Aquarius, who voluntarily stays upon the great wheel (using the Cardinal Cross as his conditioning signs) and thus staying within the sphere of influence in order to help humanity to find liberation from the Fixed Cross.
In the sweep of the zodiac there are four signs which are signs of birth, of beginning and of renewed cyclic realisation:
It is from hints such as these that the astrologer of the future will determine the type of horoscope which should be cast. Two questions will then arise, requiring reasoned answers:
Subsidiary questions would, for instance be: For which death is the man preparing? Is there an imminent crisis at hand which indicates a birth into some new state of consciousness?
The crucial question, however, to be determined in every case, is the direction in which the man is progressing around the wheel of life. The orthodox horoscope concerns the personality life and the form is bound upon the "wheel of life as it turns from right to left" (from Aries to Taurus via Pisces). But the soul is bound to the wheel as it turns from left to right, going from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus.
It is this antagonistic movement of the wheel "turning upon itself" (as it is expressed in the Bible) which leads to the conflict carried on in the individual life, in the life of humanity and in the life of the planet. In the early stages of evolution and upon the Mutable Cross, the consciousness is entirely identified with life in form and with the life of self-consciousness, self-preservation and self-enrichment. Then comes an interlude wherein the consciousness begins to shift into that of the group and becomes identified with the soul and with soul purpose. The experience of the Fixed Cross covers this period.
It might here be noted that the experience of the three crosses has a Masonic significance and can be connected with the Blue Lodge:
Much will come to light in Masonry when its astrological implications are studied and understood. Much also will be revealed anent individual life and purpose when the fate of certain planets (when in the various zodiacal signs) is properly investigated and grasped and their symbolic significances interpreted. For instance, it is well known theoretically and mathematically that,
The decanates can also be dealt with in two ways, according to the direction in which man is travelling upon the wheel and therefore entering the sign, speaking in symbols. If he enters Aries when on the Common Cross he will come under the influence of Mars, the Sun and Jupiter, according to Sepharial. This means conflict, revelation and the successful satisfaction of desire and ambition as the aeons pass away. When he reorients himself and mounts the Fixed Cross, he comes under the influence of Jupiter, the Sun and Mars, for the initiate and the disciple culminates his career in any of the signs with a final and dominant struggle and fight.
I would remark here that Alan Leo had a glimpse of the inner significance of the decanates when he assigned Mars, the Sun and Venus to the three decanates. He touched the truth of the inner subjective reversal upon the wheel which brings in other energies and influences when he substituted Venus for Jupiter. Mind and heart must be coordinated and brought into play when the great reversal takes place.
We have seen that Aries is the sign of beginnings—the beginning of the creative process, the first step of the soul (the microcosm of the already initiated Macrocosm) towards incarnation, the beginning of recurring and constant cycles of experience, the beginning of the period wherein the soul changes its direction, its purpose and its method, and finally enters upon that definitely defined process which we call spiritual regeneration and initiation.
There are four words of vital importance upon which we shall ring the changes, as we study the path of evolution, or the progress of the soul around the great wheel, both as a personality and as a disciple, headed towards the final liberating process. These four words express the subjective impulses and motives and, in reality, introduce four different cycles of progress upon the Path in its various stages of individualisation to initiation. They are:
This liberation is, in reality, twelve-fold in nature, for liberation, victory and triumph have to be experienced in every sign, just as captivity, defeat and failure have been experienced in all the signs of the zodiac, whilst the man is functioning as a personality. It is these four words and their significance which will underlie all that I have to say to you anent the dual experience upon the great wheel of life. I would ask you to bear this definitely in mind.
Going through the great cycle from Aries to Taurus, the man reenters the sign Aries again under the potent impression of Taurus, which at this stage of development feeds his ardent desire for the many material advantages of physical incarnation and of constant worldly undertakings; thus after a period of re-creation, he passes out into incarnation in Pisces and begins again the great round of manifested life, for Pisces is the ocean wherein he is "the fish," controlled by the laws of substance or material existence. In the second great stage, he passes from Aries to Taurus, because desire has at last been transmuted into aspiration. After proving his steadfastness to the ideal of the spiritual life in the intervening signs, he passes again into Pisces, from the opposite direction to his usual procedure, having earned the right to mount the Cardinal Cross of the Heavens, the power to take a final planetary initiation and the privilege of passing on to one of the seven paths to which I have made reference in my other books; these eventually give him "the freedom of the seven solar systems," as it is called in contradistinction to "the freedom of the seven planetary spheres," which the experience of initiation has guaranteed him, after a process of intensive training in one or other of the planetary schools (according to his ray type) and the path of service chosen.
You will see, therefore, the significance of the two keywords of the sign Aries:
Experience leads to rulership and in this sign the man who is embodied first ray force develops the power of organisation, of control over forces, particularly over the energy of death, over the power of destruction applied with love, of dominance over multitudes, of cooperation with the plan and the practice of the Will in rightly and correctly guiding and directing planetary affairs.
Before we take up the remaining eleven signs of the zodiac, and in order to give you a clear framework upon which to build the new astrology by means of which you can grasp the dual procedure of the soul around the great wheel, I would point out that what I have given you on Aries will be dealt with also as we consider the other signs.
You will find that I have indicated significances and pointed out some of the truths which can be found in connection with:
Before taking up these matters in connection with Pisces, there are one or two points upon which I would like to touch. I have to take up certain problems as they may arise in the consciousness of the enquirers and the students, because it is impossible to handle them all at once in the introductory remarks. The confusion would then be well nigh insuperable in the mind of the enquirer. Little by little, we will deal with the various debatable points, and if you will have patience and hold back partisan conclusions, the picture of the new astrology will begin to emerge more clearly in your minds. At present, the readjustment of your ideas leads to inevitable temporary bewilderment.
One of the questions which normally arises might be expressed as follows, and was so expressed by an interested astrological student. It involved the following inquiry: Granted the inevitability of a man eventually reversing the mode of his passage through the twelve signs, at what time and in which sign does the Sun reverse? At what point in the swing of the zodiac can this reversal in the Sun itself be seen taking place?
Unless you have some grasp of the nature of the great illusion of the constitution of the Sun, it will be hard for you to understand the significance of my reply. The sun to which you are referring is the physical Sun and its apparent path in the heavens. This "appearance" will not outwardly change and—here is the statement of importance—the real Sun under which our planetary life will eventually function and to which response will be made is the Heart of the Sun. When that is controlling, the spiritual man will then live a dual life simultaneously (which is ever the problem of the man who is illumined by the soul as well as by the light of day) and this dual life will consist of our apparent experience and situations and our inner spiritual soul awareness.
The personality will still respond to influences coming to it from the physical Sun but the motivated life activity and the subjective experience of the inner man will be conditioned by energies coming to him from the "Heart of the Sun."
I would here recall to your minds the teaching of the Ageless Wisdom as given in The Secret Doctrine and elaborated by me in my later books, that the Sun has to be discovered and known in its triple nature which is threefold as is the Trinity.
The tabulation below may serve to make this idea somewhat clearer:
By the word "influencing" I here refer to the energies pouring from these three aspects of the Sun through the three Crosses to our planet. Ponder on this and remember also that our Sun is travelling through space (carrying our solar system along in its sphere of influence) around our own central and conditioning star which it has been rightly presumed exists in the constellation Taurus, the Bull, being found in the Pleiades. At the same time it appears, from the standpoint of our planet, to be passing through the twelve signs of the zodiac; this is a symbol macrocosmically considered, of the dramatic centralised point of view of the individual human being, the microcosm. It is interesting to compare the symbolism and the underlying truth connected with the lesser and the greater zodiacs and with their twelve month and their 25,000 year cycles. They bear out much that I have given you anent the soul, influenced by the esoteric planets eventually, and the personality, influenced by the orthodox planets. The greater zodiac is symbolic of the soul and the lesser of the personality. In the personality cycle, the lesser zodiac conditions the personality career and the twelve planetary houses are of dominant importance. Later the influence of the twelve signs supersedes the influence of the planets.
I would like also to emphasise—perhaps unnecessarily—that Sirius, the Great Bear and the Pleiades work through the medium of the twelve constellations, pouring their influences through nine of them in particular, but that these major constellations are not part of the zodiac with which we are concerned. They, with the seven solar systems of which ours is one, are the ten constellations connected with a still greater zodiac which is not conditioned by the numerical significance of the number twelve. Hence ten is regarded as the number of perfection. There is confusion in the minds of some of the less learned students (astrologically considered) on this point.
It is rather difficult for you also to grasp that the involutionary process for all the kingdoms of nature is related to the passage of the soul (this time the anima mundi or world soul) from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus and not vice versa. The anima mundi on the involutionary arc proceeds this way and not as the personality proceeds. The anima mundi passes to Pisces at the close of every great cycle and not to Taurus. It emerges into outer manifestation in Cancer, the sign of mass or group life, of mass or group activity; its diffused consciousness has not yet been individualised as has the consciousness of man.
When the world soul after having progressed around the Great Wheel, reached Cancer and the time came for the fourth Creative Hierarchy to manifest through the fourth kingdom in nature, a reversal took place and then proceeded as now. It should be remembered with emphatic care that it is only man, individualised man whose progress we are studying, plus his reactions to zodiacal and planetary influences; we are dealing with his reactions, mental and emotional, to the great illusion and to spiritual reality as these two work in his life, objective and subjective. We have, in the larger issue, to consider the influence of the zodiac and the planets upon:
The preceding triple division expresses the three major aspects of the ancient and esoteric science of astrology and its three divisions as the Hierarchy today studies them. Humanity, having lost the consciousness which permits contact with the spirit of the planet (sub-human consciousness, and which was the basis of animism) and having not yet developed the consciousness which permits him to enter into the Life and Mind of the planetary Logos, has dealt only with the second division and that in its lowest aspect.
Exoteric astrology has said and it is widely accepted that Vulcan, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune do not govern signs but only have affinity with them. I am touching upon this here because we are going to consider the planet Pluto in relation to Pisces. This affinity has only stated a partial truth and is only temporarily true from the standpoint of the modern astrologer. Their existence has only been inferred or discovered within the last two or three centuries though it has always been known to the Hierarchy.
I have indicated to you the signs of which they are the rulers and the astrology of the future will accept my statement and work with these planets. Much earlier in human history, they had to accept the fact of Mars and Mercury as rulers of zodiacal signs in a hypothetical manner, and then start to prove the accuracy of the hypothesis. Ancient astrology was obviously incomplete but until man became patently responsive to the influences which come to him from Uranus or Pluto, for instance, which affect the soul life far more than they do the personality life, they remained undiscovered except by trained esotericists. Today, humanity is rapidly responding to the higher spiritual influences and, therefore, we can look for the discovery of increasingly subtle forces.
This sign is also dual. In Aries we have the duality which is attached to the bringing together of spirit and matter in the great creative activity of manifestation at the beginning of the evolutionary cycle, whilst in Pisces we have the fusion or blending of soul and form as far as man is concerned, producing the manifestation of the Incarnated Christ, the perfected individual soul, the completed manifestation of the microcosm. Thus the greater and the lesser polar opposites—the human being and God, the microcosm and the Macrocosm—are brought to their destined expression and manifestation. Until man is nearing the goal, these words mean but little though a study of the sign Pisces in the two ways intended may reveal much that is significant and suggestive.
The goal of Deity, the emergence of God's plan and the nature of His eternal purpose is for us only a subject of interested speculation. There is a possibility that this plan and purpose may be vastly different to our surmise which is based upon our formulation of a Deity who is the product of our mental processes and of devoted idealism (two of the three aspects of the personality nature), and the attempt to interpret His infinite purposes in terms of our own finiteness. Let us always remember this. The mechanism for divine perception has not yet been developed in the human family on any large scale and is only achieving some measure of usefulness in the initiate of the third degree.
This duality of Pisces must be studied in relation to its three keynotes which are:
In the first cycle of experience upon the wheel, the soul itself is in captivity to substance; it has come down into the prison house of matter and linked itself to form. Hence the symbol of Pisces, of the two fishes linked together by a band. One fish stands for the soul and the other for the personality or form nature, and between them is to be found the "thread or sutratma," the silver cord which keeps them bound to each other throughout the cycle of manifested life. Later on, upon the reversed wheel, the personality is brought into captivity by the soul, but for long aeons the situation is reversed and the soul is the prisoner of the personality. This dual bondage is brought to an end by what is called the final death, when the complete release of the life aspect from the life of form takes place.
It should be borne in mind also that the soul itself is of the nature of form from the standpoint of the Monad, though it is a form far subtler than any that we know in the three worlds of human evolution. There is also a dual renunciation referred to in these key words, for first of all the soul renounces the life and light of the Monad, its source (symbolized by the words "the Father's home"), and descends into the ocean of matter; then, reversing itself, the soul renounces the life of form, the personality centre. The soul detaches itself (in consciousness) from the Monad, the One, and functions from its own centre, making its own new and material attachments. Then, upon the reversal of the wheel, it proceeds to detach itself from the personality and re-attach itself in consciousness to the One Who sent it forth. Such is the climaxing story of Pisces.
The Lords of Will and Sacrifice come down into manifestation, sacrificing their high position and opportunities upon the higher planes of manifestation in order to redeem matter and raise the lives by which it is informed (the lower Creative Hierarchies) to the status of Themselves in so far as They constitute the fourth Creative Hierarchy. This is the subjective purpose, underlying the sacrifice of these divine Lives Who are ourselves essentially, Who are qualified by knowledge, love and will, and animated by ceaseless persevering devotion. They seek to bring about the death of the form in its occult significance and the consequent release of the indwelling lives into a higher state of consciousness. Of this process, all the world Saviours—past, present and to come—are the manifested symbols and the eternal guarantees. It is in such recognitions as these that the mainspring to the life of service must be sought. People born in this sign are frequently to be found serving the race and ministering to its needs upon some level of consciousness. Thus they are prepared for the final sacrifice in Pisces which "absorbs them back into their originating Motive," as the Old Commentary expresses it. It is for this reason that the life of service and the directed intention to serve constitute a scientific mode of achieving release. In Aquarius, the sign of world service, the lesson is finally learned which produces the world Saviour in Pisces. Hence my constant emphasis upon service.
When the individual man enters upon his cycle of incarnations, and emerges in the sign Cancer, which is found in the Cardinal Cross, he metaphorically mounts the Mutable Cross and his long term of imprisonment in form begins and the lessons of servitude must be learned. He goes on learning until he has transformed servitude into service. He alternates between the pairs of opposites, both from the astral, emotional angle and from the point of view of the four arms of the Mutable Cross. The fluid, sensitive temperament in Pisces—mediumistic and psychically polarised—must be stabilised in Virgo, in which sign mental introspection and critical analysis become possible and serve to arrest the fluidity of Pisces. These two signs balance each other. We might study the dual process taking place upon the wheel through the medium of the Mutable Cross of which Pisces forms a part in the following manner:
The experience upon the Mutable Cross lasts a long time, and carries the man always back again and again into the sphere of influence of Aries which, through the ruling activity of the first ray, both strengthens the will of the man (no matter what his ray) and ends cycle after cycle with the "word of destruction." Again and again, he enters into the sign Pisces and finds his way around the great wheel until the experience of change and of mutability and the establishing of the transmutation process carry his consciousness from the instinctual and intellectual stages to the faint beginnings of the intuitive processes in Gemini. Then comes a great process of polarisation and a moment of transference, after which the influence of the Fixed Cross causes reversal and the lessons gained upon the Mutable Cross have to be worked out and the effects demonstrated upon the Fixed Cross. It must not be thought that, in the early stages of unfoldment, experience is gained only through the Mutable Cross. The man lives in and experiences in all the signs, but the influences pouring through the Mutable Cross have a more potent effect upon him than those pouring in the early stages through the Fixed Cross. It is only when the soul is becoming more alive within the form and the man is aware of his duality that the energies of the Fixed Cross supersede in effectiveness those of the Mutable Cross, just as after the third initiation the energies of the Cardinal Cross begin to control the man and are of more insistent incentive than those of the other two crosses.
When the soul is becoming more active, the effect of the Fixed Cross will be seen working out in the four signs along with the effects of forces of the Mutable Cross for "that which is dominated and relinquished is held firmly and transformed."
Gemini: The man upon the reversing wheel in Gemini becomes increasingly aware of the intuition and increasingly under the influence of "the Brothers who live in the Light," as the Twins are sometimes called. The light of the personality dims and the light of the soul waxes. The fluidity of Pisces and the undeveloped Gemini gives place to the responsiveness of the personality to soul impression and consequent stabilising of the life on the physical plane.
Virgo: The mind, under the influence of Virgo, which has been analytical and critical, changes to that quality of mind which is best described by the words, illumination and revelation. The Christ to whom the Virgin must eventually give birth is recognised as present in the womb, though not yet born. Life is recognised. The process of the revelation of the Christ consciousness is carried intelligently forward and the selfish aspirations and experiments of the undeveloped man give place to the selflessness of the illumined and intuitive disciple.
Sagittarius: This is now the sign of the one-pointed disciple. The life of fluid response to matter becomes that of the focussed response to spirit and preparation for initiation in Capricorn. The arrow of the mind is projected unerringly towards the goal.
Pisces: Here, at the final stage, Pisces stands for the death of the personality and the release of the soul from captivity and its return into the task of the world Saviour. The great achievement is finished and the final death is undergone. "There is no more sea" says the ancient book, which means inevitably the "death of the fishes" and the release of the imprisoned life into new forms or new cycles of the divine Adventure.
This Mutable Cross, of which Pisces is one of the arms, is predominantly the Cross of "repeated incarnations," of varied experiments under the various signs and orthodox rulers, and of those many experiences which lead to successive and continuous expansions of consciousness. It is therefore the cross of the Son of God, the incarnating Christ, though it is, in relation to this Cross, the Cross of the planetary Christ, just as the Fixed Cross is that of the individual Christ in each human being, and the Cardinal Cross is that of the cosmic Christ. It might here be noted that the Cross with which we are here concerned is that of the mass, and that the consciousness which it exemplifies is that of the instinctual consciousness and its merging into the intellectual consciousness; it is the Cross of the anima mundi and of the human soul before the consciousness of duality is clear in the mind of the man and before transfer is made on to the Fixed Cross. It is consequently more closely allied to the Cardinal Cross of the Heavens, for the mass consciousness, which is the significant consciousness of the Mutable Cross, becomes the group consciousness or the synthetic consciousness of divinity, after passing through the interim period or the "vital interlude" of the intense self-consciousness of the man upon the Fixed Cross.
This human interlude is in the nature of a cross section in the development of consciousness, but the main emphasis is the unfoldment of the mass consciousness of all the kingdoms in nature into the group consciousness of the three highest kingdoms through the mediatorship of the human kingdom which, through its peculiar and specific type of awareness, can relate the higher and the lower expressions of divinity. It is here and in this connection that the sign Pisces is of much importance, as it is the sign of mediatorship. Mediumship in its true meaning is expressive of the mass consciousness—impressibility, negativity and receptivity. These points will become clearer as we study the signs and their many inter-relations. The thought I wish to convey to you here is that at this stage the influence of Pisces on the involutionary arc, and as the Sun retrogrades through the signs, is felt largely in the anima mundi and in the hidden, incarnated and imprisoned Christ; the germ of the Christ life is psychically impressed, becoming constantly more sensitive to these psychical impressions, swept by desire which ever changes, constantly aware of all impinging contacts, but unable as yet to interpret them correctly, for the mind has not been awakened adequately in Virgo. This hidden Christ is unable to free itself from "contact with the Water."
That point is eventually reached and is being reached with great rapidity in the present human stage where another and major change is deemed desirable and this is the result of the many lesser changes. Change is ever needed but the method changes itself from the constant variability and mutability of the Mutable Cross to certain changes of a major kind which are brought about by a more permanent and directed life tendency.
The man at this stage has within him the potencies and the characteristics of the indwelling Christ, but they are not manifesting and are only latent possibilities for he is as yet entirely controlled by his form nature (the prison) and his environment. The hidden powers of the soul are negative and the powers of the form nature are positive and beginning to find increasingly potent expression. The natural spiritual tendencies of man are inhibited (for Pisces is often a sign of inhibition and hindrances) and the natural animal and personality powers—particularly the emotional—are the obvious and visible qualities of the man. A good deal of symbolism connected with the latent Christ and the outer expressive personality can be seen if a study is made of the Biblical story of Jonah and the whale. I have not time to enlarge upon it here, but it is a parable concerned with the Piscean stage of consciousness and the awakening of the Christ consciousness with the consequent dispute which that entails. Jonah stands for the hidden imprisoned Christ, alive to the perils of the situation, and the whale of large size stands for the bondage of incarnation and for the personality.
It is in this dual sign that the imprisoned soul and the personality enter upon that process which transmutes:
The ordinary low-grade medium is the outstanding example of the worst aspects of Pisces—negativity, impressionability, animal and emotional sensitivity with complete undevelopment of the mental principle. It would be of interest to find out two things scientifically:
As regards the rays which express themselves through the planetary rulers and which absorb or collaborate with the influences of the sign Pisces and thus influence our planet and humanity, we find a most interesting situation. Two major rays express themselves through the rulers of Pisces, orthodox and esoteric: The first Ray of Will or Power, focussed through Pluto, and the second Ray of Love- Wisdom. It is the interplay of these dual potencies which:
From this it will be apparent how important and powerful is this sign. Through its orthodox ruler, Jupiter, that force is brought to bear which "brings all together" and—in this case—relates the two fishes and binds them together in a functioning relationship. It is the activity consequently of the second ray force which relates soul and form and brings the two together, and this magnetic potency is peculiarly descriptive of the activity of Pisces. From another angle and in a dual sign, this can also be seen working out in Gemini. In Pisces, there is demonstrated the captivity angle of relationship and the two fishes are unable to escape from each other; in Gemini there is also a definite relationship between the two brothers but there is no connecting band, and in that relationship is latent free choice and free determination. In connection with a lesser duality found in every human being, that of head and heart, of mind and love, and of will and wisdom, the work of Jupiter is to develop these two qualities and bring them into synthetic interplay.
Eventually there has to be the complete fusion of love and mind before a world saviour can manifest and function efficiently, and this is pre-eminently the final result of the forces of the Mutable Cross, as they work out the qualities released by the planets active in Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo and Gemini.
These planets are:
As you know, Pluto stands for death or the region of death; the Earth stands for the sphere of experience; the Moon or Vulcan stands for the glorification of matter, through purification and detachment, and Venus stands for the emergence of the love principle through the directing power of the mind. Students will find it interesting to work out the implications for themselves. Orthodox astrology assigns only two planets to these four signs, which in itself indicates a definite interplay. Jupiter and its influences indicate that the way of incarnation is the "beneficent" method of evolutionary unfoldment and that the way of love-wisdom (2nd ray) is the way for humanity to go.
Mercury indicates that the line of least resistance for humanity is harmony through conflict, for Mercury expresses the fourth ray energy which is buddhic, intuitional and expressive of the Christ, as Mercury and the Sun are one. But the esoteric planets are more explicit in their inferences and man appears, when ready for their influence, to be responsive in a fourfold way which he is not in the earlier stages. They embody the recognitions and the reactions which condition man's consciousness when he is preparing to transfer off the Mutable Cross and mount the Fixed Cross. He comes, therefore:
Six planets, therefore, govern the Mutable Cross as far as humanity is concerned and this in itself is significant, for six is the number of the great work of the period of manifestation, is the number of "the Beast," which is the lower nature as far as man is concerned, and is all that which seeks to destroy the higher life, but also that which can be controlled and directed finally by the soul. The significance of numbers enters into this science of esoteric astrology, and numerology, as it is, per se, a branch of esoteric astrology. Love—Mind—Experience—Form—Human Understanding—Death: these are the keynotes of the fourth Creative Hierarchy, the human kingdom and they are embodied in the planetary influences which pour through these planets from their allied signs. Through the activity of these forces which work at this stage through the Mutable Cross, man is brought to a great Crisis of Polarisation and to a point of basic change for which all the earlier and many changes have prepared him.
It is these words also which, from a different angle, govern the processes undergone upon the Path of Discipleship and of Probation. The task of the disciple is to understand their significance in a practical and effective manner and to deal with the energies which these planets release, subordinating them to the energies released by the Fixed Cross upon which he stands, and thus increase their potency through occult combination. It is by achieving intelligent and active response to the energies released and earlier mastered through the experience of the Mutable Cross, and by relating them to the potencies let loose upon him whilst crucified upon the Fixed Cross, that he learns to prepare himself for the twelve great tests in all the twelve signs for which the experience of the two Crosses prepares him.
Pisces governs the feet and hence the whole thought of progress, of attaining the goal, and the treading of the Path of Return has been the underlying spiritual revelation of the great cycle through which we are passing; also, in the Piscean Age, the lesser cycle out of which we are at this time moving, it has been the origin of all the teaching given by the world religions anent the various stages of the Path of Return. Some astrologers hold also that Pisces governs the generative processes. They are essentially correct because once a man is nearing or upon the Path he should become increasingly creative in the higher sense and the physical generative processes should give place esoterically to regeneration and to creation upon the mental plane instead of only upon the physical plane. This higher creative functioning becomes possible under the influence of aspiration and intuition. This begins to take place when the four esoteric rulers supplement the activity of the two orthodox rulers. It is interesting to note that the astrologer, Alan Leo, suggests Neptune as an alternative to Jupiter. He sensed and touched upon a mystery of initiation though he did not realise the magnitude of his discovery. Neptune focusses the influence of Pisces as it concerns humanity as a whole and not just the individual man, but this only takes place towards the final stages of the Path of Discipleship. Today humanity is moving rapidly towards the position of the World Disciple, and intuiting this, he suggests Neptune as an alternative to Jupiter.
Esoterically, the reason that Venus is exalted in Pisces is connected with the relation of Pisces to the sign Gemini, of which Venus is the esoteric ruler, and also in relation to the fact that Venus is the Earth's alter ego and is closely related to the human kingdom. This subject is too vast and complicated to be elaborated here, but the point should be remembered. The Fishes in Pisces are bound together, as we have seen, and this is a symbol of the captivity of the soul in form, prior to the experience upon the Fixed Cross. The Twins in Gemini are symbols of the same basic duality, but the experience of the many changing incarnations has done its work, and the Band (uniting the two fishes) is in process of dissolution, for part of the work of Pluto is to "cut the thread which binds the two opposing lives together." It is the task of Venus to "reunite the severed lives but with no binding thread." Therefore, Venus is exalted in Pisces and at the end of the greater cycle, the Sons of God who are the Sons of Mind are raised up into glory through experience and crucifixion because they have learned to love and truly reason. The influence of Pisces, Gemini and Virgo is eventually fused and blended (symbolically the Cross must always become the line and then the point). Sagittarius, which is governed esoterically by Mother Earth, produces those conditions whereby the Path itself achieves glorification.
Consequently, you have at the end of the age (I refer here to a greater round of the zodiac and to no shorter cycle), the glorification of Venus, of Virgo, the Virgin, and of Mother Earth—two planets and one constellation—and all these are potencies which produce definite changes in the solar system. They represent the three divine potencies of matter and of substance, plus the force of Sagittarius driving them on to a still greater consummation.
There is a wide and interesting field of research to be found in the relation of:
Gemini and Sagittarius are connected through their ruling planets (because the Earth is more closely related to Venus than to any other planet) and thus again you have the six potencies which produce release from the bondage of form, entered into in Cancer as far as the mass of humanity is concerned (by this I mean the birth of the human kingdom) and in Pisces as far as the individual is considered.
In pointing out the significance of the above facts, I am not considering the orthodox astrological reasons for the exaltation and the fall of certain planets in certain signs, I am concerned with the effect of the waxing and the waning influence upon the subject, man. Bear this in mind and—at the same time—remember that we are occupied with the Great Illusion which it is the major task of man in this particular world cycle to master and dissipate, and so to inaugurate the reign of the Real. It is the revelation of the Real which is the task all initiates undertake after the final experience of the twelve final tests in the twelve signs. Therefore, when we find that the power of Mercury is lessened in Pisces and that it finally "falls" in that sign, what is the esoteric and spiritual meaning? Simply, that after the stage of initiation in Capricorn, as the result of the reversal of the wheel and the consequent experiences, and after the triumph of Scorpio, the power of the mind lessens steadily till finally (like other aspects of form life in the three worlds) it comes to an end and its meaning and illuminating aspects between soul and physical brain are no longer required. The man, coming definitely into full soul consciousness, requires now no mediator but deals directly himself with his emanating source.
Mercury is then met with again under another name, this time as the Sun, mediating between the higher aspects—soul and spirit—for Mercury and the Sun are One. Through Mercury, the mind is illumined and relation is established between personality and the soul. As Mercury, the Sun—the mediator—shifts to a still higher plane and is no longer mediator between two different stages in consciousness but between life and consciousness itself; this is a very different matter and effects the higher understanding. This will necessarily be incomprehensible to you at present for it is not a mediatorship between differences but a fusion of what is already related.
The same symbolic mode of interpretation must govern also our understanding of the three decanates. Both Leo and Sepharial give a list of the decanates and between them there is much resemblance but there is, however, an important difference. Leo approaches the closer to the esoteric interpretation of astrology whilst Sepharial is purely exoteric. According to Sepharial, the three decanates are governed by Saturn—Jupiter—Mars, presenting opportunity to work off karma and to be successful in so doing and indicating the method employed, that of conflict and of war. Leo gives us Jupiter, the Moon and Mars. He indicates, therefore, the success which is incident to proved discipleship and consequent readiness for initiation, the seeing of the vision with which Jupiter rewards the disciple, and the experience which Vulcan confers. Vulcan has been hitherto hidden, but its influence has steadily superseded all lunar control, for the personality or form side of life is lost to sight in the radiance of the Sun, the soul. The light of Vulcan and the light of the Sun are one light and these three—Mercury, Vulcan and the Sun—stand for a synthesis and a radiance which eventually dims the light of Mercury and it "falls" into the background and Vulcan too becomes invisible and only the Sun remains. We have consequently a vision of the Sun, the experience of the personality and effort, which is the mode of attainment governed by Mars.
The keywords of this sign are obvious in their implications. Where the personality is concerned and the wheel rotates in the normal manner for the ordinary average or undeveloped person, the Word is "And the Word said, Go forth into matter." The command of the soul to its instrument during the earlier stages of evolution goes forth and the response comes immediately from the one who "blinds the soul to truth, holding it in durance vile." These words you are amply able to interpret for yourselves and from your own standpoint which is the only standpoint of service to you, indicating to you what lies behind upon the path of evolution, the point upon the Path where you now stand and the immediate step, vision, experience and effort which lie ahead.
In closing what I have to say about the constellation Pisces, I would, at this point, make one practical suggestion which will save students much trouble in the long run. Gather together, as you read, the statements I make anent any particular sign, planet or major constellation. You will then have right under your eye the information needed on any specific point and can study successfully this complicated transitional astrology. And yet, is it any more complicated to the beginner than a textbook on physics or chemistry?
This constellation is one of supreme importance to our solar system at this time, for it is the sign into which our Sun is rapidly moving and its influence is gaining in momentum and added potency with each vanishing decade. It is, therefore, largely responsible for the changes now being effected in our planetary life in all the kingdoms of nature, and, because it is an air sign, its influence is all pervasive and inter-penetrating. To many types of mind, this influence is intangible and must, therefore, be unable to produce the desired results; yet the fact is that these intangible pervasive results are of far greater potency and are far more extensive in their effects than the more concrete and spectacular happenings.
The keynotes of this sign are three in number and very easy to understand, though when they make their note felt on the reversing wheel, most difficult to demonstrate. They are:
The quality of these keynotes changes from a petty and superficial nature to one of deep purpose and profound conviction. The low grade and undeveloped Aquarian upon the Mutable Cross manifests through a superficial self-awareness. This matures in Leo and becomes a deep-seated self- consciousness and a profound interest in self and its need and wishes. As the interplay goes on between Leo and Aquarius (for they are polar opposites) there comes a deepening of all qualities and the superficialities disappear until—upon the reversed wheel—the intensive self-consciousness of Leo expands into the group awareness of Aquarius. The individual becomes the universal. Man, alone and separative, becomes mankind in his reactions and awareness and yet, at the same time, preserves his individuality; he is no longer just a human being, individually self-centred and separative, but becomes humanity itself, losing his personal identity in the good of the whole yet retaining his spiritual Identity. From self-service, he proceeds to world service and yet is always the individualised Son of God until after the third initiation.
As one studies these twelve signs, it is interesting to trace the relation of consciousness to the preceding sign and to the succeeding sign. It is peculiarly so in connection with the sign Aquarius. The material, earthly quality of Capricorn becomes "dissolved into the air" in Aquarius. The individual "fish" of the other sign becomes eventually the soul, and soul quality emerges, and on the reversed wheel it demonstrates as the pervasiveness of wisdom (Pisces) and the universal love of the truly developed Aquarian. On the wheel as it "rolls onward into illusion," the wheel of the personality, the superficiality and the airy nature of the undeveloped Aquarian deepens gradually into the concrete and rocky material nature of the Capricornian. The average man in Aquarius puts all his wares into the window, and often in the room behind the window there is little to be found. Esoterically, the developed Aquarian puts all he has into his water pot, storing it there for service and giving it freely on demand to meet a need.
The sign Aquarius is also a dual sign and signifies two vibrations. It is here that its relation to Pisces emerges, for just as Pisces on the wheel of illusion, the Mutable Cross, stands for substance and bondage, in Aquarius, substance and the anima mundi or imprisoned soul begin to work in mutual tolerance, and in the higher Aquarian individual, soul and spirit are expressing themselves through substance. There is consequently an astrological relation between the band of stars in the constellation Pisces, which unites the two fishes, and the quality and nature of Aquarius which relates and binds together into one working and synthetic whole. The Aquarian recognises the bond which holds all together subjectively and in truth, whilst in Pisces the energy of relationship constitutes an imprisoning band which confines and holds captive. Think this out.
It is an error to consider the margin of contact between two signs in the passage of the Sun to be in the nature of hard and fast frontiers or set boundary lines. Such is not the case. There are no rigid lines of demarcation separating two entirely different areas of experience and consciousness upon the solar path. It only appears to be so and this itself is part of the Great Illusion.
The rulers of Aquarius are of a peculiar interest. They constitute an effective group of planets and bring in the influences of the seventh, second and fourth rays. These are pre-eminently the rays which determine the final stages of man's progress as well as the initial stages, being more potent at the beginning of the involutionary path and the end of the evolutionary path than they are in the middle period. They determine the final stages and happenings of the Path of Initiation. The seventh ray brings into expression upon the physical plane the major pairs of opposites—spirit and matter—and relates them to each other, producing eventually one functioning whole. The second ray gives soul expression and spiritual consciousness and also she power to pour out love and wisdom upon earth whilst the fourth ray indicates the field of service and the mode of attaining the goal. This mode or method is that of conflict and struggle in order to reach harmony and thus express all truly human characteristics, for the fourth ray and the fourth Creative Hierarchy constitute essentially one expression of truth.
Some astrologers assign Saturn as one of the rulers. Alan Leo does so, but I would point out that in this case he is dealing entirely with the progress of the ordinary man upon the wheel of life, and the Saturn which he senses as ruling Aquarius is the Saturnian influence of Capricorn, in which sign Saturn governs in two fields. On the reversed wheel, the Saturnian influence exhausts itself in Capricorn and the man is then free from karma and needs no presentation of opportunity for he stands a free initiate, a true Master Mason and can then proceed with world service undeterred and held back by no thought of self or selfish desire. He comes then under the influence of Uranus, that mysterious and occult planet. His will is focussed and developed by the Uranian influences and he develops into a leader. He brings about desired changes and produces those new conditions which will help the soul of humanity to express itself more freely.
Water being the symbol of substance and of material expression plus emotional motivation, Aquarius is consequently dual in its activity, and the third ray expresses itself powerfully through this sign, reaching our planet through Uranus and the Moon which hides or veils Uranus symbolically in this case. There is, therefore, to be found the double influence of Uranus, expressing the quality and bringing in the energies of the seventh ray, in one case, and the third ray in the other. The seventh ray is, in the last analysis, the focussed differentiated energy of Ray One as it expresses the will of the first aspect of divinity on earth through the power to relate and bring into objective manifestation—by an act of the will—both spirit and matter. This it brings about through the activity of Ray Three, expressing itself through humanity and its individual units, though combining with the energy of the three rays which are released through the ruling planets:
I would here call your attention to the fact that in connection with the Moon, as it is related here to one of the Creative Hierarchies, you have in the Moon itself the exoteric influences of the ordinary mode of procedure upon the wheel of life, and in the planet which it veils and hides (in this case the planet Uranus) you have the esoteric energy which brings this Hierarchy to subjective realisation.
Uranus gives innate spontaneous activity and this produces evolutionary development—both natural and spiritual. It is the urge to better conditions.
Jupiter gives an inherent tendency to fusion which nothing can arrest. The achievement of ultimate synthesis is inevitable, and this Jupiter promotes.
The Moon brings about the inclination to create these conditions which lead to the great and critical transformations of instinct into intellect. This the moon brings about, but Uranus causes the great transference in the human consciousness from intellectual perception to intuitive knowledge. Bear in mind that the esoteric forces combine with the forces of the exoteric or orthodox planets and that they do not negate their influence. They only supplement and dominate them. The man is thereby enriched and his experience is extended and his consciousness expanded by the new energies, but all the time the effects and conditioning achieved and attained under the old influences are not altered. They have "determined" his nature and fixed his qualities and, therefore, remain persistent and energetic, but the new and deeper influences and potencies are those which in the future upon the Fixed Cross will condition and motivate gradually and steadily all his activities.
In the future, instead of speaking of the orthodox planets when dealing with the planetary influences we will speak of the exoteric and the esoteric planets and so bring our vocabulary and definitive words more into line with the inner teaching. In astrology, we are dealing all the time with the energies which produce movement and subjective and outer activity; we are concerned with the impact of many forces upon the human, the planetary and the systemic expression of life and purpose, and with the resultant effects. When these effects and activities are purely objective (and under that word I place all events and happenings going on in the three worlds of human experience—the physical, astral and mental planes) you have personality demonstration. When they are consciously related to the world of causes and are the result of "right and conscious direction" of the emanating centre, the soul, then the personality forces become subject to the diffusion of the soul energies and the personality or form nature becomes magnetic in a different manner, and so attracts to itself energies of a higher and more dynamic plane to the ones with which the man has been concerned hitherto and which he has learned to control and use; in other cases, the soul energies intensify certain of the personality forces and the effect of the exoteric planets is supplemented by an increasingly steady inflow of the energies of the esoteric planets, and these begin to have a dominantly esoteric effect.
In Capricorn, for instance, the influence of Saturn is both exoteric and esoteric; in Taurus, Vulcan has both an esoteric and hierarchical effect, whilst in Leo the Sun rules all three—the exoteric, the esoteric and the hierarchical life. This we will study somewhat later in this section and when we come to the consideration of the constellation Leo. Planetary influences are unusually potent in Aquarius during this world cycle because it is, in a peculiar way, a culminating sign for the majority of people who proceed from Aries to Pisces upon the Fixed Cross.
A rare few consummate the experience of life upon the three Crosses in the sign Pisces, and so become world saviours. They know then, and only then, the highest aspect of the first ray as it expresses itself through the activity of Death. The bulk, however, of the world initiates climax their experience in Aquarius and become liberated world servers. They turn their backs upon all further progress for themselves in this cycle and on all satisfaction of their own spiritual aspiration and become carriers of the water of life to humanity, joining thus the ranks of the Hierarchy. Those who achieve in Pisces and make the higher and further grade in their development pass into that centre to which we have given the name of Shamballa, but the bulk of the initiates and disciples remain attached to the second centre, that of the Hierarchy of Service.
Aquarius is pre-eminently a sign of constant movement, of changing activity and recurrent mutations, and the symbol for the sign is expressive of this state of activity. It is, therefore, a sign in which the significance of cycles is mastered and understood by the initiate. The results of the valley experience (to use the well-known language of the mystics of all ages) and of the mountain top with its vision and light, are very vividly depicted by the sign. The Aquarian can experience the depths of depression and of self-depreciation or he can know and pass through the exaltation of the soul and the sense of spiritual power which soul control gives, and know them to be the interplay and the action and reaction which are necessary for growth and comprehension. The law of such action and reaction is the law with which he works.
In Leo, a man's centre and point of consciousness is himself; he turns upon himself and revolves entirely upon his own axis and in respect and relation to himself, and is all the time the self-centred individual, consecrating all thought, time and service to his own well being and personal interests. But in Aquarius, the polar opposite of Leo and its sign of consummation, he becomes outgoing; there is no centre or circle of circumscribed influence but only two outgoing lines of energy, pouring from him into the world of men. The self-conscious individual in Leo becomes the conscious server in Aquarius, and this is well expressed for us in the symbols of these two signs. The Aquarian is consecrated to group service and to the welfare of humanity. The average Aquarian upon the Mutable Cross will be, for instance, a faithful employee, the adherent and worker in some firm or business within whose limits all his interests are confined and to whose welfare all he has is consecrated. Upon the Fixed Cross this consecration to others becomes world service.
Aquarius, we are told, governs the blood system and its circulation. By means of the blood, the life force is distributed throughout the entire human body. It is, therefore, symbolic of the task of the liberated Aquarian who dispenses spiritual life throughout the fourth kingdom in nature. The Aquarian influences are felt also as life-giving in other forms of planetary life and other kingdoms in nature but with these we will not deal as we are confining our attention to humanity.
Aquarius, as you know, is one of the arms of the Fixed Cross. This Cross is outstandingly the Cross of Discipleship and of the three major initiations in connection with which it might be pointed out that:
I might here give you the following names for the three crosses taken from the ancient archives and therefore difficult to translate:
Substance, the ocean of life, water, the symbol of desire and the impulse to incarnate are transmuted into soul light and light substance and the urge to tread consciously the path of return, plus the longing to serve. Desire is developed and focussed in Taurus when the man is upon the Mutable Cross and progressing around the zodiac. It is reoriented and repolarised in Taurus when the man has mounted the Fixed Cross and is eventually relinquished in that sign. In the polar opposite of Taurus, Scorpio, the personality is humbled and brought to grips with the soul; in that sign the personality is "occultly killed and then resurrected into air and light," in order to become from that moment the servant of the soul. In Leo, the individual awakens to his own identity, concentrates his purpose, learns the lessons and uses of selfishness (for that is one of the best ways to learn and to discover that it is contrary to the laws of the soul) and is eventually so cornered by the life processes that he becomes aware of the futility of self- interest. In Aquarius, the man awakens to the beauty of group life, group interest and his individual responsibility towards the group and begins to live his life and to spend himself in the service of humanity.
In connection with the question of consciousness, students would find it illuminating to study the subject along the following lines:
The distinction between exoteric and esoteric astrology lies in just such recognitions as listed above. Exoteric astrology deals with the characteristics and qualities of the personality and of the form aspects, and also with the events, happenings, circumstances and the conditioning environment which appear in the personal horoscope, indicative of planetary control and not of solar control. Esoteric astrology concerns itself primarily with the unfoldment of consciousness, with the impacts which awaken it to the peculiar "gifts" of any particular sign and ray endowment and with the reaction of the man and his consequent enrichment through his response to the influence of a sign, working through the esoteric planets from the angle of humanitarian awareness, of discipleship and of initiation. This deals basically with his experiences from the angle of the three Crosses, which involves first, mutation, then direction, and finally initiation. Increasingly, these three Crosses will take a prominent place in astrological delineation.
We come now to a very interesting point in connection with Aquarius. There is apparently no planet which is either exalted or "falls" in this sign. The only planet affected is the Sun, whose power is lessened. What is the symbolic significance of this? It consists in the relation of Aquarius to Capricorn and of the Fixed Cross to the Cardinal Cross and of the third initiation to those succeeding it, of the point of balance reached between Pisces and Capricorn, which focus in Aquarius. I am not here considering the orthodox mathematical or astronomical reasons, for they are, in reality, dependent upon the subjective and spiritual reasons, and it is with these that we are concerned. One of the facts which will emerge in our consciousness as we study along these esoteric lines is that all the outer indications do not indicate truth but only point the way to the subjective realities of which the outer facts are but the illusory symbols. Ponder upon this and keep an open mind.
No planet is exalted in Aquarius and no planet falls in this sign because the true Aquarian—after due experience upon the Mutable Cross and the Fixed Cross—has reached a point of balance. He is held by none of the pairs of opposites but uses them both for spiritual ends. He is hindered neither by earth nor water (Capricorn and Pisces); he has surmounted the tests of both the processes of incarnation and initiation and so stands free, distributing energy and life, symbolised by the two wavy lines.
It is interesting to bear in mind that in the progress of the soul, as far as humanity is concerned, one of the four signs of each Cross is of more importance than the others. Each sign of each of the three Crosses is related to one of the four kingdoms in nature and the preponderance of the ray influence pours through the sign to the kingdom under consideration.
In connection with humanity, the sign of importance on the three Crosses is as follows:
In Aquarius, the initiate consummates all that has been achieved in Leo through the influence of the Sun, for in Leo there is an almost unique condition where humanity is concerned as the Sun governs all expressions—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. It rules the personality, the soul and the fourth Creative Hierarchy. Hence the Sun (the physical Sun) is lessened in its power in Aquarius. The third initiation has been undergone and the light of the personality has been "put out" or dimmed by the light of the subjective Sun, influencing the soul. There is much to think out here but little more can be directly indicated, as the curious fact of this triple control by a planet constitutes one of the mysteries of initiation. It is tied up with the relation between Leo and Aquarius, for Leo is unusual in having all its ruling influences concentrated through the medium of one planet. Leo indicates the height of achievement of the human soul.
We are apt to think that initiation and liberation are the achievement of the human kingdom and the attainment of humanity. This is not the case. Initiation is an achievement and an attained success of the soul which has at last succeeded in dominating the personality and in manifesting its true nature and character, in spite of the personality and the antagonism of the human being intent upon his own purposes. It is literally the attainment of certain desired objectives, towards which the units of the fifth kingdom in nature have been working for aeons, and expresses the end of the enforced task and sacrifice and planetary service. This achievement reaches its goal at the third initiation and from that time on man, liberated and free, serves from free choice and as a soul, conscious of intent and purpose upon the physical plane.
The decanates in Aquarius are governed (according to Alan Leo) by Saturn, Mercury and Venus, and the effect that they will produce upon human affairs and world conditions is already beginning to appear. Saturn is the planet of discipleship and of opportunity; it is exceedingly active today, presenting to the world disciple those difficult situations and crises which will involve free choice, discriminative pioneering, wise response and correct decision, thus bringing about the destruction of that which hinders without the relinquishing of any true values of which humanity may be aware. The individual disciple has always been faced with these conditioning and releasing circumstances, and today humanity itself is in the same position. We stand at the gateway of the new world, of the new age and its new civilizations, ideals and culture.
Saturn, having offered opportunity and proffered us a choice to bring about the needed changes and to destroy that which holds back the free expression of the soul, eventually stands aside in order to let His great Brother, Mercury, spread the light of the soul—intuitive and illuminating—upon the situation, to interpret for us, through our own illumined minds, the significance of events and to relate the old and the new, the past and the future through the light of the present. Hence, the subjective usefulness of the present general trend towards meditation processes which bring about the capacity to be "impressed from on high" (technically understood) and to be illumined by the light of the soul.
When the task of Saturn and of Mercury has been accomplished, then during the third decanate, Venus, which is the union of heart and mind, will usher in the long hoped for era of love-wisdom, of brotherhood and of expressed brotherly relationships. Opportunity—Illumination—Brotherhood: these are the gifts that Shamballa is planning to confer upon mankind during the Aquarian Age, if man will but prepare for them, accept them, and use them. Only the future will make clear man's reaction.
According to other astrologers, the three decanates are governed by Venus, Mercury and the Moon. You can here see the relation of astrology to the normal or to the reversed wheel of life. The Moon which here takes the place of Saturn hides the planet Uranus. In this case Uranus, the occult planet, stands for exoteric science which penetrates into the hidden side of form life, and thus we have the period wherein man is not alert enough or conscious enough to seize upon opportunity and turn it to esoteric or soul ends, but can identify himself with the more advanced aspects of form. The energy which produces opportunity, illumination, and brotherly love as expressed and attained upon the Fixed Cross, demonstrates upon the Mutable or Common Cross as difficulty, the versatile and volatile mind (unstable and dark) and as sex.
This appears clearly in the words spoken to the man upon the Mutable Cross as he passes through an Aquarian cycle. The words are: "And the Word said, Let desire in form be ruler," for desire becomes gained knowledge and the knowledge of that which is hidden at any stage upon the path of evolution relates the individual to Uranus. When the man is upon the Fixed Cross, the words come forth: "Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men." The implications are so clear that there is no need for me to be more explicit or to elaborate the theme.
We shall next consider Capricorn at some length. These three studies of Pisces, Aquarius and Capricorn will be slightly longer than the succeeding ones as I have been laying the foundation of what I have to say under our fifth point: The Three Crosses. We shall have brought out certain considerations in connection with them that will be of value; Pisces is part of the Mutable Cross, Aquarius of the Fixed Cross, and Capricorn of the Cardinal Cross, and there will, therefore, be no need to repeat in such detail what I have here said when we are dealing with the other signs. These three signs are beginning signs or final signs, according to the state of the wheel of life. They also sum up or initiate the activities of the other nine signs which are fundamentally strictly human signs and synthesise the results of experience upon the three Crosses.
We shall be able now to cover our present thesis anent the philosophical implications of the Great Wheel of the Zodiac far more rapidly, as I can now leave what else remains to be said in connection with the three Crosses until I come to that part of our Section VI. There I shall have much of interest to point out.
I have dealt with these three Crosses at some length whilst we were covering these first three signs of the zodiacal wheel as it revolves from Aries, through Pisces, to Taurus. Each of these three is found on one of the Crosses and thus in themselves and in their relationship they constitute a complete unit. It is interesting to note how these three signs are either those of commencement (upon the Mutable Cross) or of consummation (upon the Fixed Cross).
In the case where they stand for beginning we have:
Aries. . . . . . 1st Aspect. . . . . . . . . Movement outward into incarnation. The Will latent to manifest. Experience upon the Cardinal Cross.
Pisces. . . . . .2nd Aspect. . . . . . . . Desire for form existence. The Love or desire latent for material things. Constant mutation. Experience upon the Mutable or Common Cross.
Aquarius. . . . 3rd Aspect. . . . . . . .Consecration to the service of the lower self. Latent selfishness. Experience upon the fixed Cross.
When these three signs form the end of the cycle of expression upon the reversed wheel,
then you have:
Aquarius. . . .3rd Aspect. . . . . . . .Consecration to the service of the Whole. The expressed death or negation of all personality selfishness. Culmination of experience upon the Fixed Cross.
Pisces. . . . . .2nd Aspect. . . . . . . .Emergence of a world saviour. Death of all expressed. Separative desire and love, spiritual longing and aspiration. Culmination of experience upon the Mutable Cross.
Aries. . . . . . 1st Aspect. . . . . . . . . .Appearance of the will to cooperate with the expressed plan. The death of Self-will. Culmination of experience on the Cardinal Cross.
The same basic mode of considering the three Crosses can be carried out with Gemini, Taurus, Aries or the reverse: Aries, Taurus and Gemini, remembering always that the Mutable Cross governs the wheel in ordinary progress and the Fixed Cross governs it on the reversed progress during discipleship. The Cardinal Cross in reality governs both processes but this is only understood when initiation has taken place.
Upon the ordinary wheel, these signs bring about:
It should be remembered that Aries is definitely that divine manifestation to which Christ referred when He said "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end." The significance of this can, however, only be grasped when the experiences of the Mutable Cross and of the Fixed Cross have been transcended and the Cardinal Cross has been consciously mounted after the third initiation. This is the "wheel which turns upon itself and rolls from north to south and then from east to west as it progresses onward and, in one moment of time, this it does."
This is a symbolic way of expressing the united activity of all the states of consciousness, achieved upon the first two wheels, and which life experience, in many rounds of the zodiac, has brought to the initiate; it means likewise that type of awareness which transcends even that of the Christ Himself and for which He and the Buddha are undergoing preparation. The experience of the Cardinal Cross (concerning as it does cosmic unfoldment) transcends all possible awareness, gained upon the other two Crosses and for which they have prepared the initiate.
It might be stated that:
This is one of the most difficult signs about which to write, for it, as you know, is the most mysterious sign of all the twelve. It is the sign of the Goat which seeks its sustenance in the most rocky and arid of the world's places and it, therefore, relates man to the mineral kingdom; it is also the sign of the Crocodiles which live half in the water and half on dry land; it is spiritually the sign of the Unicorn which is the "fighting and triumphant creature" of the ancient myths. Under the symbolism of the above creatures, this sign gives us a rather complete picture of man with his feet upon the earth, yet running free and climbing to the heights of worldly ambition or of spiritual aspiration in search of what he realises (at any particular time) to be his major need. As the Goat, he is man, the earthly, human, greedy seeker after the satisfaction of desire, or man, the equally selfish aspirant hunting for the satisfaction of his aspiration. This sign portrays to us man, an ambitious animal in two senses of the word: in the early stage upon the Mutable Cross, man, the blend of desire (water) and the animal nature (earth), and upon the reversed wheel, man, the blend of soul and form. It gives us the picture also of the triumphant initiate, the "unicorn of God," the symbol of the unicorn, with its one horn out-thrust like a single spear upon his brow instead of the two horns of the scavenging goat.
It is interesting to study the three signs in which the animals have horns: Aries, the downturned horns of the ram, signifying the coming into manifestation, the involutionary cycle and the experience of the Cardinal Cross as it expresses the Will-to-manifest of God. Taurus, the up-turned horns of the Bull with the circle below, depicting the push of man, the Bull of God, towards the goal of illumination and the emergence of the soul from bondage with the two horns (duality) protecting the "eye of light" in the centre of the Bull's forehead; this is "the single eye" of the New Testament which makes the "whole body to be full of light." Then Capricorn, the Goat, related particularly and closely to Aries, but hiding (as an esoteric blind) the symbolism of the Unicorn in which the two horns and the single eye are blended and depicted by the long straight horn of the unicorn in the centre of the forehead.
Behind all the above lies the dual mystery of Leo, for Leo is—as far as humanity is concerned—the key or clue to the entire zodiac and around the constellation Leo two great mysteries are found:
The symbol of this sign is indecipherable and intentionally so. It is sometimes called the "signature of God." I must not attempt to interpret it for you, partly because it has never yet been correctly drawn and partly because its correct delineation and the ability of the initiate to depict it produces an inflow of force which would not be desirable, except after due preparation and understanding. It is far more potent than the pentagon and leaves the initiate "unprotected."
In an ancient astrological treatise which has never yet seen the light of day but which will be some day discovered when the right time has arrived, the relation between the horned animals of the zodiac is thus described:
"The Ram, the Scapegoat and the sacred Goat are Three in One and One in Three. The Ram becomes the second and the second is the third. The Ram that breeds and fertilises all; the Scapegoat, in the wilderness, redeems that all; the sacred Goat that merges in the Unicorn and lifts impaled upon his golden horn the vanquished form—in these the mystery lies hid."
It here becomes apparent that three mysteries are hidden in the three horned signs:
It might also be pointed out here that it is the will of the Father aspect, manifesting through Aries, that governs Shamballa; the loving desire of the Son which attracts to the Hierarchy; and the permeating, intelligent activity of the Holy Spirit which animates that centre of divine life which we call humanity. Therefore we have:
Shamballa-----Hierarchy----- Humanity
Will------------Love ---------- Intelligence
Aries-----------Taurus -------- Capricorn
In both their higher and their lower aspects these signs hold the secret of the "horns of strife and the horn of plenty subjected to and guarded by the horn of life." Again, an ancient proverb runs: "The Ram—when it has become the Scapegoat, has sought illumination as the Bull of God and has climbed the mountain top in the semblance of the Goat—changes its shape into the Unicorn. Great is the hidden key." If the symbolism is carried a little further, it might be stated that:
This is the experience of the Mutable Cross in connection with these three signs. Upon the Fixed Cross:
Aries, Taurus, and Capricorn are the great transformers under the great creative plan. They are in the nature of catalysts. Each of them opens a door into one of the three divine centres of expression which are the symbols in the body of the planetary Logos of the three higher centres in man: the head, the heart and the throat.
Aries opens the door into Shamballa, when the experience of Taurus and Capricorn has been undergone.
Taurus opens the door into the Hierarchy when the significance of Gemini and Leo is understood and the first two initiations can therefore he taken.
Capricorn opens the door into the Hierarchy in a higher aspect when the last three initiations can be undergone and the significance of Scorpio and of Virgo is understood.
In these signs and their relationship upon the Fixed Cross lies hid the mystery of Makara and of the Crocodiles.
The keynotes of this sign are all indicative of a crystallisation process. This concretising faculty of Capricorn can be considered in several ways. First of all, Capricorn is an earth sign, and in it we have expressed the densest point of concrete materialisation of which the human soul is capable. Man is then "of the earth, earthy" and is what the New Testament calls "the first Adam." In this sense, Capricorn holds in itself the seeds of death and finality—the death which takes place finally and eventually in Pisces. Ponder on this. When crystallisation has reached a certain degree of density and so-called "hardness," it is easily shattered and destroyed and man, born in Capricorn, then brings about his own destruction; this is due to his fundamentally materialistic nature, plus the "blows of fate" which are the enactments of the law of karma. Again and again, a certain measure of concreteness is achieved, only again to undergo destruction, prior to the release of the life and the rebuilding of the form.
Secondly, Capricorn is ever the sign of conclusion, and of this the mountain top is frequently (though not always) the symbol, for it marks the point beyond which further ascent in any particular life cycle is not possible. Capricorn is, therefore, the sign of what has been called esoterically "periodic arresting." Progress becomes impossible under the existing forms, and there has to be the descent into the valley of pain, despair and death before a fresh attempt to scale the heights takes place. The attempt today to climb Mount Everest is amazingly symbolic, and it is being watched with much interest by the Hierarchy, for in this effort we see the attempt of humanity to achieve the top of the mountain whose height has hitherto defeated all efforts. But—and this is the matter of moment and of interest—when humanity emerges into the light and relative glory of the new civilisation, they will at the same time conquer this last remaining summit. That which is of the densest materiality and which is the consummation of earthly grandeur will remain—but it will be beneath the feet of humanity.
Thirdly, Capricorn is, as a consequence of all the above, the sign in which is inaugurated a new cycle of effort, whether this effort is in connection with the individual man or with the initiate. Effort, strain, struggle, the fight with the forces native to the underworld, or the strenuous conditions entailed by the tests of discipleship or initiation—these are distinctive of experience in Capricorn.
In ancient days, as you may perchance have heard, there were only ten signs, and—at that time—Capricorn marked the end of the zodiacal wheel, and not Pisces as is at this time the case. The two signs of Aquarius and Pisces were not incorporated in the signs for the simple and sufficient reason that humanity could not respond to their peculiar influences; the vehicles of contact and the mechanisms for responses were not adequately developed. Originally, there were eight signs; then there were ten and now twelve.
You will note, therefore, that if the concentrated forces of the Cardinal Cross are definitely potent at this time (as they are) the battle is terrific, because:
It will interest you to note that average humanity is, therefore, subjected to the influences of three major signs at this time and conditioned by potencies coming from each of the three Crosses. These present men with the responsibility of choice, evoking their free will, their trend towards self- determination and their established decision at this time of world crisis. You will note that the world disciples are related to the mass of men through their responsiveness to influences emanating from Gemini, and to each other through Scorpio. This produces in them the capacity to respond to test, to a sense of the vision (through the illumined eye of Taurus) and to use their power of individuality through a developed personality and through the potency of Leo. Initiates are brought into relation to the world disciples through the constellation Scorpio, to the hierarchical centre through Capricorn, and to the mass through Pisces, the sign of all world saviours.
Seven constellations are, therefore, predominantly brought into a close combination at the present moment of crisis and are responsible for world affairs as they are found today:
Cancer | The Cardinal Cross. "Both Gates stand wide."
Capricorn |
Taurus |
Leo | The Fixed Cross. "The Disciples dominate the world."
Scorpio |
Gemini | The Mutable Cross. "World salvation is possible today."
Pisces |
The exoteric and the esoteric planetary rulers of Capricorn are the same, and Saturn rules the career of the man in this sign, no matter whether he is on the ordinary or the reversed wheel, or whether he is on the Mutable or the Fixed Cross. When he has taken the third initiation and can consciously mount the Cardinal Cross, he is then released from the ruling of Saturn and comes under the influence of Venus, who is governor or ruler of the Hierarchy which is that of the Crocodiles. A reference to the tabulation heretofore given will show this. It is only when a man is upon the Cardinal Cross that the significance, purpose and potencies of the Creative Hierarchies become clear to him and the "doors of entrance" into all of them stand wide open. On the Mutable Cross and on the Fixed Cross we have the so-called green ray, controlling not only the daily life of karmic liability upon the path of evolution, but also controlling the experiences and processes of evolution. The reason for this is that Capricorn is an earth sign and because the third and fifth rays work pre-eminently through this sign, embodying the third major aspect of divinity, active intelligence plus that of its subsidiary power, the fifth Ray of Mind. These pour through Capricorn to Saturn and to Venus and so reach our planet, the Earth.
Saturn is one of the most potent of the four Lords of Karma and forces man to face up to the past, and in the present to prepare for the future. Such is the intention and purpose of karmic opportunity. From certain angles, Saturn can be regarded as the planetary Dweller on the Threshold, for humanity as a whole has to face that Dweller as well as the Angel of the Presence, and in so doing discover that both the Dweller and the Angel are that complex duality which is the human family. Saturn, in a peculiar relation to the sign Gemini, makes this possible. Individual man makes this discovery and faces the two extremes whilst in the sign Capricorn; the fourth and fifth Creative Hierarchies do the same thing in Libra.
Through Saturn and Venus, therefore, Capricorn is connected with Libra and also with Gemini and Taurus, and these four constellations—Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Capricorn—constitute a potent quaternary of energies and between them produce those conditions and situations which will enable the initiate to demonstrate his readiness and capacity for initiation. They are called the "Guardians of the Four Secrets."
Through certain other of the planetary rulers, through the medium of which the third and fifth rays work, Capricorn is connected with other constellations besides the four above mentioned, but these four are for our purposes the most important. Students can work out the remaining interlocking energies for themselves, if they so desire, by relating the rays, planetary rulers and constellations through reference to the tabulations already given. The subject is, however, definitely confusing to the beginner, and it is for this reason that I am dealing here with the philosophy and symbolism of the signs first of all, so as to familiarise the student with the general scheme and the universal broad interlocking.
The third and fifth rays are peculiarly active upon the Path of Discipleship, just as the sixth and fourth are dominant upon the Path of Evolution and the first and seventh upon the Path of Initiation. The second ray controls and dominates all the other rays, as you well know.
Path Rays Planets Constellations
Evolution 6 and 4 Mars. Mercury. Aries. Gemini. Cancer. Virgo. Scorpio.
Discipleship 3 and 5 Venus. Saturn. Gemini. Sagittarius. Capricorn.
Initiation 1 and 7 Vulcan. Uranus Taurus. Libra. Pisces. Pluto.
You will notice from the above tabulation one or two interesting points. These should be carefully considered by all astrologers after determining the approximate place of the subject upon the evolutionary path in one or other of its three divisions.
First, that the constellation Gemini appears twice on account of its close connection with the fourth Creative Hierarchy.
Second, that during the period of the Mutable Cross five constellations are concerned with the experience of man upon the path of daily life, of constant rebirths and of karmic difficulty. Four of them lead to Scorpio, in which sign comes the point of the reversal of the Wheel.
Third, that on the Path of Discipleship three constellations control and lead up to the activity of Capricorn, at which time initiation becomes possible.
Fourth, on the Path of Initiation the activity of all the three Crosses is felt simultaneously through the medium of the "released powers" of Taurus, Libra and Pisces. You will note also that the first ray influence, expressing through Pluto and Vulcan, is only felt in a positive manner upon the Path of Discipleship. This first ray potency has only lately been experienced by humanity as a whole as it neared the stage of being the world disciple, and vast numbers relatively stood upon the Path of Discipleship and Probation. Hence the recent discovery of Pluto and the sensed power of Vulcan, veiled by the potency of Mercury and hidden behind the planet.
Second ray influences and potencies are abidingly present and pour into our planetary sphere and life, via the Sun (veiling a hidden planet) and Jupiter. These sweep the forces of Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius and Virgo into and through our entire planet and all its kingdoms in nature.
From the above few points, hints can be gathered together as to the interlocking forces of all the twelve constellations, as they pour into and through all the kingdoms in nature, carrying with them also not only their own individual potencies but also those of the seven rays, focussed through the sacred and non-sacred planets—the discovered and undiscovered planetary Lives. It has been occultly said that a vision of these powers and their many weaving lines (seen as rivers and streams of light) is given to the initiate from the mountain top of Capricorn, once that summit has been reached. It is at the Transfiguration initiation that this vision appears before the eyes of the astounded disciple. The great experiences upon the various mountain tops as related in the Bible have all to do with Capricorn.
Moses, the Lawgiver on Mount Sinai, is Saturn in Capricorn imposing the law of karma upon the people. A clue to the significance of the Jewish people as a karmic clearing house can be found here. Ponder on those words "a karmic clearing house." The Mount of Transfiguration in the New Testament is Venus in Capricorn when love and mind and will meet in the person of the Christ, and "He was transfigured" before all men. At the same time, He received the vision of the Father and of what He had to do as He "went up to Jerusalem," the place of death and likewise the city of peace. This Jerusalem is Pisces. In Aquarius, Christ put His disciples in touch with the "man bearing a pitcher of water," Aquarius, and in the upper room introduced them to union and unity under the symbolism of the communion feast. For that feast, humanity is today preparing, as we saw when studying the last constellation. The astrological significance of the New Testament is as yet little understood. Christ was born in Capricorn, fulfilled the law under Saturn, initiated the era of intelligent brotherhood under Venus and is the perfect example of the Capricornian initiate who becomes the world Server in Aquarius, and the world Saviour in Pisces, thus completing the round of the zodiac and able to say triumphantly in Pisces "It is finished."
The polar opposite to Capricorn is Cancer and, as you have been taught, these two signs are the two great Gates of the zodiac—one opening the door into incarnation, into mass life, and into human experience, whilst the other opens the door into the life of the spirit, into the life of the Kingdom of God, the life and purposes of the Hierarchy of our planet. Cancer admits the soul into the world centre which we call Humanity. Capricorn admits the soul into conscious participation in the life of that world centre which we call the Hierarchy. Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa, for it is the polar opposite of Aries which is the place of beginnings. Libra demonstrates the perfect balance of spirit and matter which first came together in Aries. This balance and this relation of the great opposites, spirit and matter, is symbolised for us in the personality situation of balancing the pairs of opposites on the astral plane, and finding between them the "narrow razor-edged path" which leads the man into the kingdom of the soul.
As man passes around and around the zodiac in the ordinary manner, he continually and consciously enters into life in Cancer, the constellation under which the Law of Rebirth is applied and administered. But it is only on the reversed zodiac that the man learns to pass with equally conscious purpose through the gate of Capricorn. Five times he has to pass through that Gate in full waking consciousness and these five happenings are frequently called the five major initiations.
Viewing the fourth Creative Hierarchy as a whole, the appearance and experiences of the life of the planetary Logos through the medium of the five races—two past, one present, the Aryan, and two to come—are planetary correspondences to the five initiations. This is peculiarly interesting to study because at the time that any particular race comes into being both the doors in Cancer and Capricorn stand wide open, being then occultly aligned.
A study of the characteristics and qualities of the man who is born in the sign Capricorn will reveal a great deal anent the human family because the Capricornian can express all the worst of which a man is capable and all the best. It is a sign of extremes, and this because at the time there were only ten signs, Capricorn was the first on the ordinary wheel and the last on the reversed wheel. Esoterically, all world Saviours and Sun Gods are born in Capricorn but also the very worst type of man—hard, materialistic, cruel, proud, selfishly ambitious and egoistic. The head rules the heart in such cases, whereas in the perfect example of the influences of Capricorn, head and heart are perfectly balanced.
Capricorn rules the knees and this is symbolically true, for only when the Capricornian subject learns to kneel in all humility and with his knees upon the rocky mountain top to offer his heart and life to the soul and to human service, can he be permitted to pass through the door of initiation and be entrusted with the secrets of life. Only on his knees can he go through that door. As long as he arrogantly stands where he has not earned the right to stand, he can never safely be given the information which is imparted to all true initiates. The ancient mode of pilgrimage in India, by which the devotee passed or progressed from one holy place to another upon his knees, is indicative of this deep need of the Capricornian for humility. India is ruled by Capricorn and India knows this truth. Though India has permitted the physical act to usurp the place of a spiritual attitude, yet the symbolic meaning is eternally true. When the man born in Capricorn can kneel in spirit and in truth, he is then ready for the initiatory process upon the mountain top.
The symbolism underlying the astrological fact that Mars is exalted in Capricorn, whilst the power of the Moon is lessened in that sign, and Jupiter and Neptune both fall, is significantly beautiful and instructive. Mars is the God of War, the Producer of conflicts, and in this earthly sign Mars triumphs in the early stages of the evolution of the fourth Creative Hierarchy and in the life history of the undeveloped and average man. Materialism, the fight for the satisfaction of personal ambitions, and the conflict with higher spiritual tendencies goes steadily forward, and this most material of all the signs is the battleground of the old established order and habits and the new and higher inclinations and tendencies. India, governed by Capricorn, has been a battlefield right down the ages; Port Said, ruled by this sign, is synonymous with the satisfaction of all the earthly and animal desires of the baser sort and is one of the wickedest cities in the world—a meeting place for the evil of three continents.
But as evolution proceeds, the power of the Moon, which is the symbol and ruler of form, grows less and less, and the man upon the reversed wheel is steadily freeing himself from the control of matter. The attractive lure of that which is material wanes increasingly. Jupiter, which has been the ruler of Pisces and also of Aquarius, falls in this sign. This fall must be studied from two angles, for Jupiter in its lowest aspect gives the fulfilment of desire and satisfied demand, whilst in its highest Jupiter is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. In Capricorn, therefore, Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in the densest material aspect, and then—as love and selflessness triumph—this lowest aspect vanishes and disappears.
It is to the "fall" of the highest aspect that the symbolism refers, and then later to the fall or disappearance of all that is base and low. Love is fallen and blinded when desire is rampant; desire vanishes when love triumphs. Neptune is often spoken of as falling in this sign and for the same reasons. Neptune is the God of the waters, and is esoterically related to Pisces. It should be noted that both Neptune and Jupiter are exalted in Cancer, the great sign wherein the desire for incarnation finds its fulfilment; the power of both is lessened in Virgo, wherein the first signs of the Christ consciousness are felt; both fall in Capricorn, when the Christ life and consciousness come to full fruition. There is much, as you can see, to be worked out along these three lines and the above suggestions will indicate how a comparative study and a philosophical research can be fruitfully made.
In Capricorn we have the triumph of matter; it reaches its densest and most concrete expression; but this triumph is followed by that of spirit. There is full expression of the earthly nature in Capricorn but also immense spiritual possibilities. India, for instance, expresses a widespread degradation, but at the same time the heights of spiritual attainment; a study of India—her history, characteristics and spiritual qualities—will reveal much anent the influences and possibilities of this sign.
The triplicity into which each sign is divided and which we call the decanates is of particular interest in the case of Capricorn. As is the case in all correspondence, this triplicity can be related to the three aspects of God and man—spirit, soul and body. The central decanate is therefore of peculiar moment in our world period as it is concerned with the effect of the planetary influences, the solar rays and the energy of the constellations upon the soul or the consciousness aspect. This is the case whether we are considering man on the ordinary wheel or man upon the reversed wheel. From the standpoint of astrological interpretation and in the case where the astrologer is not sure which way the wheel is turning, it is the only decanate with its ruler of which he can be sure. The influence of the ruler is, therefore, inevitable. This is strikingly the case in connection with the sign Aquarius into which sign our sun is now entering, its three decanates, Saturn, Mercury and Venus, bringing inevitably difficulty, illumination and brotherly love. On the ordinary wheel, in all outer affairs, Saturn controls, and we consequently find ourselves today in a state of chaos and trouble, but as far as the consciousness of the race is concerned, Mercury is becoming increasingly active. A steady illumination is taking place and light is being thrown on all problems—light on government and politics through experiments and the study of great and basic ideologies; light on the material nature of the world through all the many branches of science; light on humanity itself through education, philosophy and psychology. This light is spreading down to the very darkest places in our planet and its many forms of life.
Two sets of rulers for the three decanates are available. According to Alan Leo, we have Saturn, Venus and Mercury. According to Sepharial we have Jupiter, Mars and the Sun. Of these two, the first is the more correct and the more esoteric. The true rulers are Saturn, Venus and the Sun. I would remind you that Mercury and the Sun are interchangeable but that in this case the Sun stands exoterically for Mercury and esoterically for a hidden planet.
Saturn relates Capricorn to the previous sign Aquarius, upon the ordinary wheel, and Jupiter, exoterically understood, relates Capricorn to Sagittarius upon the reversing wheel. It will be obvious to all esotericists that the Sun is the obvious ruler of the third decanate, veiling as it does a hidden and deeply significant planet and being that which reveals divinity at the time of the third initiation. You will note how, in this great sign of initiation, Saturn reveals the nature of the third aspect of divinity, the nature of intelligent substance; Venus reveals the nature of the second aspect, which is consciousness or intelligent love, whilst the Sun—the physical Sun and the heart of the Sun together—reveals the synthesis of these two.
The key words upon the ordinary wheel are "And the Word said: Let ambition rule and let the door stand wide." Here we have the key to the evolutionary urge, to the secret of rebirth, and of that word which reverberates from Cancer to Capricorn. The door of initiation stands ever open, but for aeons of time man prefers the open door in Cancer. Ambition urges him on from life to life until he has discovered the worthlessness of all earthly gratification. Gradually then spiritual ambition and a desire for liberation take the place of worldly ambition, and become an impelling impulse, until finally the moment arrives when a true sense of reality supersedes both earthly and spiritual ambition. The man can then say with truth "Lost am I in light supernal,yet on that light I turn my back." For him there remains now no goal but service. He therefore passes back through the gate of Cancer, but with his consciousness held steadily in the sign Aquarius. From being the world initiate in Capricorn he becomes an incarnated world server in Aquarius, and later a world saviour in Pisces.
This sign is, as you know, a peculiarly human sign and is connected in a definite manner with the appearance of humanity upon our Earth. There are three of the zodiacal signs which are more closely connected with man than are any of the others. These are: Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius. In one peculiar (but not yet provable) manner, they are related to the three aspects of body, soul and spirit.
The following tabulation or concise statement of rather momentous implications may serve to make this clearer:
Leo Sagittarius Aquarius
The Lion The Centaur The Water-Carrier
The Man The Archer The Server
Self-consciousness Focussed consciousness Group consciousness
Physical nature Emotional nature Lower mental nature
Integrated man Aspiring man Intuitive mental man
Human soul Spiritual human soul Spiritual soul
Individualisation Discipleship Initiation
Personality Egoic focus Monadic focus
The Fixed Cross The Mutable Cross The Fixed Cross
Centralisation Orientation Decentralisation
Individual unity Sensed duality Universal unity
Fire Fire Air
Selfishness Struggle Service
Evolution The final path Liberation
I could continue to summarise the qualities and characteristics of these three and their peculiar inter-relation but the above will suffice amply to demonstrate the connection between them and their progressive effect upon the subject passing under their influence periodically and cyclically. They are frequently referred to as the signs which—when studied—will reveal divine intent in man, will mark the points of crisis in his progress and will (when the three influences which they express have done their work) carry the man "from door to door, for Leo is the next sign to Cancer, and Sagittarius is the sign which precedes Capricorn." I am quoting from an ancient book on the signs.
Sagittarius is sometimes depicted as an archer on a white horse and a study of the meaning of this symbolism will reveal a great deal of inner teaching. This is one of the later ways of portraying this constellation. Earlier, in Atlantean days (from which period we have inherited what we know about astrology), the sign was frequently depicted by the Centaur—the fabulous animal which was half a man and half a horse. The horse symbolism dominated Atlantean myths and symbols, just as the ram and the lamb are prominently to be found in our modern presentations. This earlier sign of the Centaur stood for the evolution and the development of the human soul, with its human objectives, its selfishness, its identification with form, its desire and its aspirations. The Archer on the white horse, which is the more strictly Aryan symbol for this sign, signifies the orientation of the man towards a definite goal. The man is then not part of the horse but is freed from identification with it and is the controlling factor.
The definite goal of the Centaur, which is the satisfaction of desire and animal incentives, becomes in the later stages the goal of initiation, which meets with satisfaction in Capricorn, after the preliminary work has been done in Sagittarius. The keynote of the Centaur is ambition. The keynote of the Archer is aspiration and direction, and both are expressions of human goals but one is of the personality and the other of the soul. From ambition to aspiration, from selfishness to an intense desire for selflessness, from individual one-pointed self-interest in Leo to the one-pointedness of the disciple in Sagittarius and thence to initiation in Capricorn. It is interesting to note that the astrological symbol for this sign currently used is simply the arrow with a fragment of the bow depicted. The Archer as well as the Centaur have dropped out of the picture and this is largely because the emphasis or focus of human living today is not based upon the objective outer facts of life upon the physical plane but upon some form of inner focus or emphasis, which varies from the many stages of astral and emotional ambition to spiritual aspiration, and from the activities of the lower mind bent upon selfish interest to the illumination of the same mind through focus upon the soul.
An ancient catechism which all disciples have to master, asks the following questions and supplies the needed answers:
"Where is the animal, O Lanoo? and where the Man?”
Fused into one, O Master of my Life. The two are one. But both have disappeared and naught remains but the deep fire of my desire.
“Where is the horse, the white horse of the soul? Where is the rider of that horse, O Lanoo?”
Gone towards the gate, O Master of my Life. But something speeds ahead between the pillars of an open door—something that I myself have loosed.
“And what remains to thee, O wise Lanoo,
now that the horses of two kinds have left thee and the rider, unattached, stands free?”
Naught but my bow and arrow, O Master of my Life, but they suffice, and, when the right time comes, I, thy Lanoo, will follow fast upon the shaft I sent. The horses I will leave upon this side of the door, for them I have no further need. I enter free, regain the arrow which I sent and speed upon my way, passing from door to door, and each time the arrow speeds ahead.
It is for this reason that the keynotes of Sagittarius are five in number:
A study of the charts of the human family at all the different stages, from the time of the Mutable Cross experience wherein the personality is built up, constructed, developed and integrated, to the final crucifixion of the personality upon the Fixed Cross of the Heavens, will reveal that every time the man finds himself under the influence of Sagittarius it is with the objective of orienting himself to some new and higher objective, with the task of refocussing himself towards a higher goal and with the unfoldment of some basic and directing purpose. These developing purposes may range all the way from purely animal desire, through selfish human ambition, to the struggle of the aspiring disciple or initiate in order to achieve the needed liberation towards which the entire evolutionary process has impelled him.
It is interesting, in this connection, to trace the unfolding of the human consciousness through the influence of the energies let loose through the various zodiacal signs:
In these signs—Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces—you have the six signs which constitute the six pointed star of the human or fourth Creative Hierarchy; Cancer and Pisces marking the two extremes. The Crab symbolises imprisonment (the hard shell and the rocks under which the Crab ever takes shelter), and the Fish signifies freedom. In between—in Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius—come the four stages of personality development, struggle with the pairs of opposites, and finally release into full spiritual service. In connection with the development of the intellect into the intuition and its consummation as the divine aspiration of the personality ("inspired from on high," as this stage is technically called), the following ideas may be found useful; I am simply hinting at them and am leaving the student to work out the various implications for himself.
We have seen that Cancer is the sign of instinctual life, and that in Leo the intellect or mind became part of the individual man's equipment. This intellectual awareness is the result of a slow evolution of the instinctual nature which, when it has reached a certain stage of development, came under the direct influence of the Hierarchy of the planet in a new way, and then—under the stimulation of energies from the planet Venus—a fusion took place which resulted in the emergence of individual self- conscious man. Gradually, as the aeons have slipped away, the instinctual nature has receded steadily into the background or below the threshold of consciousness, whilst the intellect has become more and more dominant and an increasingly potent factor. In Scorpio the mind is released into full governing activity.
This release takes place in two stages:
Stage 1: Wherein the intellect becomes dominant and powerful and controls eventually the emotional nature.
Stage 2: Wherein the intellect is illumined by the light of the soul.
In dealing with probationary disciples and with ordinary humanity, the servers of humanity would do well to remember these two stages and not confuse them as they attempt to aid those who are in one or other of them. The emphasis is laid upon the struggle of the personality to release itself from the grip of lower desire in the first case, and in the second to release itself from surrounding world glamour which is revealed when soul light is thrown into it, via the reflecting and illumined mind. In stage 1, the power of the trained reasoning and rationalising mind is called into activity by the soul; in the other, the illumination of the soul must pour into the mind and is then reflected, like a searchlight, onto the astral plane. This takes place upon the Probationary Path and is called the experience of the disciple in the depths or the valleys.
In Sagittarius, the intellect which has been developed, used and finally illumined, becomes sensitive to a still higher type of mental experience and to this we give the name of intuitive perception. There come flashes of light upon problems; a distant yet possible vision of attainment is seen; the man begins to climb out of the depths to which he has descended in Scorpio and sees ahead of him the mountain in Capricorn which he knows he must eventually climb. He walks no longer in the dark, for he sees what he has to do and he therefore makes rapid progress and travels "fast upon the Way." He "flies from point to point, searching for the arrows which he has discharged." He has, figuratively speaking, to dismount constantly from his white horse (the developed and purified personality) and find where the arrows of intuitional aspiration will take him; he travels upon the "wings of the soul" (note the relationship to the winged feet of Mercury, the messenger of the Gods) and becomes, in his own personality, himself the winged God: Mercury, as you know, governs Gemini, the polar opposite of Sagittarius. This he does until he has established a balanced relationship between the personality and the soul and can function as either at any desired moment with equal facility.
This takes place upon the Path of Discipleship and is called the experience of the disciple upon the plains of Earth, for the path between the pairs of opposites runs straight and level, leaving the depths of personality experience and the heights of soul experience (at this point of development) on either side.
In Capricorn, the initiate learns to realise the meaning of the growing light which greets his progress as he climbs upward to the mountain top. The flashes of intuition with which he is becoming familiar change into the blazing and constant light of the soul, irradiating the mind and providing that point of fusion which must ever be the "fusion of the two lights, the greater and the lesser light" to which I referred in A Treatise on White Magic. The light of the personality and the light of the soul blend. Upon this I need not enlarge, as nothing I could say would be more than it now is—the theory of initiation.
This takes place upon the Path of Initiation and is called the experience of the mountain top. All are needed; the depths, the plains and the mountain top.
As you know, Sagittarius is one of the four arms of the Mutable Cross. An idea of the general symbology of this Cross, from the quality angle, can be gained if we give the two sets of characteristics which distinguish the man upon this Cross—both unevolved man and the aspirant to divinity. We might list these as follows, finding for each arm a distinctive phrase :
Unevolved man:
Gemini—Changeableness. Instability. Interplay.
Sagittarius—Ambitious desire. Direction. Orientation.
Virgo—Material life. The cherishing of an idea.
Pisces—Sensation. Mediumship. Fluidity.
Evolved man:
Gemini—Recognition of soul and form. Soul interplay.
Sagittarius—One-pointed spiritual aspiration. Disciples.
Virgo—The mother of the Christ Child. Gestation.
Pisces—The world Saviour. Mediatorship.
In connection with the above, it is interesting to note that the Twins set apart and unattached in Gemini become the Centaur, the man-beast, in Sagittarius, whilst Virgo, the Virgin, becomes the Fish goddess in the polar opposite, Pisces. A treatise could be written on the subject of the relation of the opposites in the zodiacal circle for they express spirit and matter and their inter-relation, plus the play of qualitative energies; they bear witness at the same time to the fact that these two are one and are simply the expression of great mutable, and yet fixed and initiated spiritual Lives. It is for this reason that the constellation Libra occupies a unique place in the Great Wheel, for it is the energy coming from this constellation which controls what we might call (for lack of a more suitable word) the "hub of the wheel." This is that point in intermediate space where the twelve zodiacal energies meet and cross.
Libra, therefore, controls the "moment of reversal of the wheel" in the life of every aspirant, for there comes a moment in the cycle of lives wherein a point of balance is reached and a relative equilibrium is attained, and over this event Libra presides. Some day it will be of interest to make a scientific research and investigation into the power of balance which Libra wields and a consequent analysis of the effect of Libra in an individual life. It might then be possible to discover whether the particular life in which a man carries forward the process of reversal may not perhaps be one in which the sun is in Leo, with Libra rising. Such statistical studies have not yet been made, but there is much to be done along these lines; I only make suggestions, but it will, I think, be found that this is the case.
A proper investigation likewise into the life history of spiritualism and of the mediums associated with it may prove that the majority of the mediums in the world who are of a low grade type or purely trance mediums—negative and usually unintelligent—are born in Cancer with Pisces rising, or in Pisces with Cancer rising. Such studies would necessarily have to deal with hundreds of cases and be carried forward over a long period of time in order to prove the point which I seek to make. It would also be interesting to make an analysis of those particular incarnations and their horoscopes wherein the polar opposites both appear in relation to each other—one as the sun sign and the other as the ascendant, for these lives usually express some degree of either equilibrium or of consummation; they will not in any case be negative lives or lacking in direction, event or purpose. This is particularly the case upon the Fixed Cross of the Heavens.
You will note that my purpose in this section of our treatise is to evoke interest and enquiry and to incite students to scientific, statistical and analytical investigation. Only in this way will my basic premises be proven and eventually substituted for the present unsatisfactory methods—methods which most astrologers who have any real capacity and insight regard as deplorable and unsatisfactory.
The ruler of Sagittarius from the orthodox angle is Jupiter, and from the standpoint of the path of discipleship it is the Earth itself. Mars governs this sign from the standpoint of the Hierarchies involved. The most interesting fact which emerges as we study the Mutable Cross as a whole is connected with the rulers of all the four signs. From the point of view of orthodox astrology, only two planets rule or govern all the four signs; these are Jupiter and Mercury. Mercury governs Gemini and Virgo, whilst Jupiter governs Sagittarius and Pisces. The reason for this is obvious if you study the nature of the rays which express themselves through these signs. Mercury is the agent or the messenger of the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict, whilst Jupiter is the medium for expression of the second Ray of Love-wisdom.
These two rays govern the mass of men upon the Mutable Cross and are closely concerned with the mass incarnation of the fourth Creative Hierarchy. Their function is to fuse and blend into one cooperative whole the great dualities expressing themselves through the fourth kingdom in nature. The significance of this will be obvious. It is easily apparent how, through the influences of Mercury and Jupiter, material desire can be transmuted into divine love, and the conflict which is the distinguishing characteristic of the human family can be instrumental in resolving dissonance into harmony. The definite pattern and direction of this process has to take form upon the Mutable Cross before the energies of the Fixed Cross can change the ambitious selfish man into the selfless disciple. All this has perforce to be initiated upon the Mutable Cross which is essentially and significantly the Cross of the mutable, fluidic, restless mind and it is on this Cross that the mind nature is finally developed and begins its integrating control of the personality. When this process is proceeding, the Mutable Cross experience is over and the Cross of Discipleship begins to play its part.
The case is quite different in connection with the subjective side of unfoldment, and esoterically the disciple who finds himself in incarnation under the influence of the Mutable Cross in his personality life whilst he, as a soul, is upon the Fixed Cross, comes under the directed energy of four planets, three of which are non-sacred planets. Usually these four supersede or rather begin to dominate the influence of Mercury and Jupiter, giving greater facility of expression and exerting that influence which will bring the personality into right relation to the soul, for that is essentially the task of the Fixed Cross and the goal of the disciple.
It is in connection with the planets governing Sagittarius, exoterically and esoterically, that an idea can easily be gained of the complexity of the forces with which every disciple has to contend and the significance of the ray forces which pour into and through him. Take for example the constellation which we are now considering, and remember that the same basic streams of energy will have to be noted in connection with every other sign in which a man may take incarnation. We find that we shall have to consider:
I cannot here enter into a detailed analysis of the many energies which pour through the disciple as he arrives at the final stages upon the Mutable Cross, and in Sagittarius achieves the determination to "direct his steps into another way of life and with ardour firm to mount another Cross," as the Old Commentary puts it. I can only point out that the following ray forces pour onto the man through the medium of the following planets:
Exoteric Mercury—4th Ray—Harmony through Conflict.
Jupiter—2nd Ray—Love-wisdom.
Esoteric Venus—5th Ray—Concrete Science. Mind.
The Moon—4th Ray—Harmony through Conflict.
The Earth—3rd Ray—Active Intelligence.
Pluto-1st Ray—Destructive aspect.
Hierarchical: Mars—6th Ray—Devotion. War to the death of the personality or form.
An analysis of this will show that the "forces of conflict" are powerful in this sign, primarily in the life of the disciple. Harmony through Conflict is ceaselessly active and appears in both the orthodox and the esoteric assignments. The destructive power of the first ray, focussed in Pluto, brings change, darkness and death. To this intensity and potency of Pluto must be added the forceful and dynamic energy of the planet Mars. This brings the entire human family, as well as the individual, under the law of strife, based this time upon sixth ray devotion to an ideal, high or low. All these play upon the individual born in the sign of Sagittarius, as well as upon the fourth Creative Hierarchy as a whole.
This, you can see for yourself, brings in a terrific situation, and the forces playing upon the disciple are of a momentous nature—provided that the mechanism of awareness is adequate to respond. These forces in all the signs are ever present, but responsiveness and sensitivity to their impact is dependent upon the nature of the response apparatus. Ponder upon this thought, for it is this sensitivity which marks the difference between the disciple and the average man.
These planetary influences are distinctive of the Sons of Mind, of Venusian origin; they are characteristic of the Lords of Sacrifice and Will functioning in time and space as the fourth Creative Hierarchy. The form life is ruled by the Moon, veiling a hidden planet; these Sons of Mind live on the Earth and thus within the body of the planetary Logos, and are of a definitely intelligent nature, making them Lords of Knowledge, achieving their goal through the light of the mind and through the method of conflict, for they are also Lords of Ceaseless and Persevering Devotion. All the above names which are related to the planets governing Sagittarius will be remembered by students of The Secret Doctrine. They are the "quality names" of the Divine Manasaputras, the Agnishvattas who are ourselves.
A consideration of the above paragraph will indicate to you the importance of the sign Sagittarius in the life of the incarnating Sons of God.
I would point out also that, through Jupiter and its influences, Sagittarius is related to three other great constellations:
Both the Earth and Saturn (one a non-sacred and one a sacred planet) are exponents or expressions of the third Ray of Active Intelligence, and this ray relationship serves to bring the influences of Capricorn into relationship with Sagittarius, thus providing a field of energy wherein the one-pointed disciple can finally become the initiate. This is the set goal of the subject born in Sagittarius—whether it is the set goal of initiation into some form of sensuous experience or of spiritual undertaking and consciousness. The result of all experience in any sign of the zodiac should definitely work out as an expansion of consciousness and, no matter what form this experience may take, it consummates in an initiation of some kind or another. Students would do well to regard initiation as a determining process in life, and should endeavour that every life experience or cycle of life experiences should work out as an initiation into a wider field of awareness, of expression and of resultant contact.
There is little more that I need say and little else upon which I need at this stage of study to comment. The man who is nearing the path of discipleship or who is already a disciple—pledged or under observation—will profit much from a deep and systematic study of this sign. I would suggest that the student bear in mind the position of this sign. Scorpio stands midway between two signs of balance or of equilibrium—Sagittarius and Libra. Libra marks an interlude or a notable point of balance before the strenuous testing and trial of Scorpio. Sagittarius marks another point of balance which follows after that testing, for the Archer has to acquire and hold a steady eye, hand and stance prior to firing the arrow which, when rightly directed and correctly followed, will carry him through the portal of initiation.
In studying Sagittarius, it becomes obvious that one of the major underlying themes is that of Direction. The Archer is guiding his horse towards some one specific objective; he is sending or directing his arrow towards a desired point; he is aiming at some specific goal. This sense of direction or guidance is characteristic of the enlightened man, of the aspirant and disciple, and this is a growing recognition; when this faculty of sensitive direction is rightly developed it becomes, in the early stages, an effort to identify all soul and personality activity with God's Plan, and this is, in the last analysis, the ordered direction of God's thought. There is no true direction apart from thought, and I would have you remember that thought is power. This is a statement upon which all disciples should ponder, for they can achieve no real comprehension of the direction of God's Plan unless they work with a phase in their own lives which is subject to their own mental direction. Then and only then, can they unde