Meditation 36
A Breathing Exercise for Alignment
(Volume 1 - Page 670)
One of the problems in connection with all spiritual and meditational work is to avoid becoming too abstract; spiritual achievement will come through the blending of the highest possible point of spiritual recognition with the enlightened mind and the physical brain consciousness.
The keynote of this is, of course, alignment. Have this thought of alignment in your consciousness as you proceed with the following meditation:
An interlude wherein you take six long slow breaths, thinking as you do so about coordination.
An interlude wherein you seek definitely to raise your consciousness higher and, whilst you are doing this, taking seven long slow breaths.
An interlude wherein you aspire to soul consciousness whilst taking ten long slow breaths, raising your consciousness as high as you can.
When doing the slow breathing, endeavour to sit erect without tension, and see to it that at no time, when inhaling, you inflate the abdomen, but that the abdomen is held drawn in towards the spine below the diaphragm.